B.A.P's secret love lifa | application

Annyeong! I'm {Bang Haerin}


RealStory?- - - -

aff username : LoVeFoReVeR77.
aff profile link : Me
what should i call you : I am Lili. What a sily nickname
 I could think of.
desired plot : Member's sister.

AnotherMe,YesSir!- - - -

name : Bang Haerin

nicknames : Haeriniee or Hae and that is what close people call her.

d.o.b : 15/ 10/ 1996

height : 163 cm 

weight : 42

birthplace : Incheon, South Korea

hometown : Incheon

blood type : B+

languages : fluent Korean and basic English.

personality : Bang Haerin, a cheerful and bubbly girl. People often call her pretty and cute too. But what they don't know is that Haerin is a complete different character. It's not that she acts fake, but she can't help being shy in front of new people she meet. Haerin is not sociable which led to her not having many friends. Only Zelo her best friend. Once you know haerin she is active, loud, noisy, and talkative, in fact she can speak for more than 6 hours without stopping and running out of topics.

In the side in her being active, it's real if her brother says she doesn't act like what she looks he is not lying. She can turn a house into a complete mess within a couple of minutes. She also likes playing pranks on her brother. Haerin likes to use aegyo to get what she wants, if not, she will nag and nag and nag till the thing is brought to her.

She is also called a nerd by some people. She like studying and she reads books a lot. She asks about things alot and likes to learn new things. Haerin also think that every single answer to both sociable and personal life is in books. Haerin is also a neat and clean person when it comes to her stuff.

She has high confidence and think that no one can be not good and you can always improve through working hard. Haerin thinks that a person should always look forward to his/her life and never give up in life. She also consider that nobody is perfect and you always can learn from your mistakes.

Every one have weaknesses so does Haerin. She fears high places and always hope to get rid of this fear with a help of a person who can stand by her side, but she is just afraid that the person she will ask will say No. She also hates cats since she was scratched by a cat on her thigh when she was little, and the mark is still visible.

Haerin's dream is to love and to be loved back, not forgotting to say that she wants to go to a date.

likes :  

  • Cookies
  • strawberry cheese cake
  • mint gum
  • taking pics
  • travelling around
  • shopping
  • getting what she wants
  • messing with Youngjae's ipad apps.
  • pointing out people flaws
  • play station an xbox
  • her older brother
  • amusement park
  • Moon Joowon ( actor)
  • pasta
  • ice cream
  • doing charity works

dislikes :

  • Honey
  • people who show off
  • people who smoke and drink
  • high heels
  • high places
  • roller coasters
  • teasing
  • revealing dresses
  • flashy accessories
  • cats

hobbies :

  • reading books
  • playing guitar and piano
  • baking and cooking
  • painting her nails
  • collecting hair accessories

habits :

  • rubbing the back of her neck when she is nervous
  • humming while working in the kitchen
  • using aegyo to get what she wants
  • blinking her eyes
  • when a conversation is awkward she plays with her fingers.
  • when watching horror movies when a scary seen is showing she holds the person besides her hands.

trivia : None.

ulzzang one : Kim Shin Yeong

ulzzang two : Park Hyo Jin

They'reUnbreakableBaby!- - - -

family backgrounds : Bang Haerin was born on the 15th of October 1996. She has a complete opposite personality of her brother's. She likes books, he likes war movies. She is lively, he is quit. She is a girl which can reach high notes. He is a boy who can reach low notes. She didn't feel the motherly care  feel cause both her parents work and are so famous. Her dad has lung cancer and he owns a shopping mall. he is currently on cure to get off cancer. Her mother is a famoous fashion designer who doesn't have time to spend with her daughter. Haerin still think positively since she has her caring brother still with her.

family members : Bang jae joon | 45| alive, has cancer| owns a shopping mall| kind and gentle| he doesn't give her much attention cause of his work.

                                       Bang Ji min | 40| alive| fashion designer | not caring, sweet| she is sweet with her daughter but she doesn't take care of her because of her work.

                                       Bang Yongguk | 23 |alive| idol( B.A.P) | sweet, gentle, lovable, nice, caring | he is the sweet , lovable older brother who always take care of her and make sure she is fine.

friends : Zelo| 16| idol ( B.A.P) | kind, playful | he is the group mate of her brother, he is exactly same age as you and he is your only friend and best friend, you always hang together.

rival : None.

iLikeYou!BeMinePlease?- - - -

desired partner : Jung Daehyun
partner's personality : He is quite and not talkitive. He is the only B.A.P member and probably only person in Earth that you find difficulties openning titles with. You don't know much about him. He is from busan and has strong satoori. He always wears a mask to prevent himself from talking with strong accent. He is respectful to his hyungs.

history with partner : You first met him when you once visited your brother at the practice room of B.A.P. You were able to be frineds with all of them but only this creature Jung Daehyun. You have always found him interesting and you wanted to know him more but you just become shy and can't open topics with him. You have always found this person a hansome boy but this is your little secret.

How you met? : _____

backup  partner : Zelo / Choi Junhong.

partner's personality : He is your best friend. He is fun and active just like you. His personality id just like yours. You are born on the same day, month and year,making you identical on age. You both mostly think the same thoughts. He is tall, thin, baby - looking and sophisticated on fashion.

history with partner : You first met him when you once visited you brother at the practice room. You guys found out that you are same age and talked informally and slowly started being closer until now you are like the bestest best friends ever.

How you met? : ____

WhatMyheartTellsMeToDo,- - - -

anything else : Hope you liked it. it's my first time applying if anything is wrong tell me.

password : *dongsaengSyz | BBC, BABY, Inspirit
                       *chansungyuna | Angel, Inspirit, BABY

Hope you like every thing ^_^


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