My 2012

well hello there. 

2012 is a great year for me to learn from. There are so many mistakes that I did and I leant my lesson. It's actually 12 midnight here and I can't sleep so I decided to post a blog in here since I RARELY do so.

1st) never ever neglect your studies. 

I am a really lazy person. And I hate studying, revising, doing homework, or anything related to school. I skipped school two times in each week despite knowing that this current school year is NOT a honeymoon year where you can just relax. I missed lots of lessons but I didn't care. At the last term, where everyone was mugging for the major exams, I finally realised that I should stop skipping school. I came to school for two weeks without absenting myself (and I feel so proud about it) and I actually put an effort to really pay attention and do my homework. During the last day before exam starts, I was really nervous. Because if i fail, I will have to repeat my level again which I do not want. Just imagine seeing your friends promoted to the next level and you are left behind. , doesn't it? And so, I started thinking back to all the stupid things I've done throughout the year. And after seeing the results (thank god i passed) I felt so relieved. I can see lots of improvements. And it's because I actually studied for the exam! Imagine if I didn't skip school so often and I actually do my homework? IMAGINE HOW MUCH BETTER MY RESULTS COULD BE? That is why. You shouldn't neglect your studies. Just don't. Because in some point of your lives, you are going to regret...

2nd) never get too attached on someone

mine turned into a disaster. The person I'm in love with actually toyed my feelings which I have no clue about UNTIL a few months after we broke up. I've read through our conversations, look back to pictures and everything, and this one girl too, and it all hits me on the face. HE WAS JUST USING ME AND TOYING AROUND WITH MY FEELINGS! Well, I shouldn't be too attached to him in the first place. And guys,  if you are best friends, don't go to the ''more than friend" stage because I've been there, done that, and I regret it! 

3rd) put your family as your priority

put your family first! Your family is always going to be there for you no matter what happens. I am honestly quite a rebellious daughter and I don't listen to my mum most of the time. Ill shout back at her, never helped her with house chores, cause trouble, and never really cared about what she feels. I am amazed at how patient she is with me and she always does. One day, I was really really REALLY sick and I'm in no mood or appetite for anything. I stayed on bed almost the whole entire day. No one really bothers. But, it was surprising to see my mum walked up to me and massaged me without me asking her to. She's there for me when I'm not there for her. Sometimes this little things makes me cry. They just do..


well that's my story. I don't know about yours. I'm just writing this to let out some feelings. That's all. Have a good day. 


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