100 Truths :)

1.Real Name:  Saree


2. Nicknames:  Ree-Ree


3. Zodiac Sign: Leo


4. Male or Female: Female


5. Elementary School: Liberty Park, Pratt, Sheridan (I moved a lot O.O)


7. College: UW


8. Hair color: Brown


9. Tall or short: Uh medium,  5’7’’


10. IM or email: E-mail


11. Sweats or Jeans: Depends:  :/ Mostly jeans tho!        


13. Health Freak: Uh….is this a question?




14. Orange or Apple:  Orange


15. Do you have a sercret crush on someone:  OF course! But I’m telling you cause that’s a *look around* secret!


16. Eat or Drink: I believe it’s necessary to do both. But I drink a lot. OH no, not alcohol! I meant water! And lemonade! Yeah…..


17. Piercings:  Ears


18. Pepsi or coke:  I don’t drink any soda >.< Sawee!


19. Been in an Airplane: Nope


20. Been in a relationship: Yuuup


21. Been in a car accident: Uh huh


22. Been in a fist fight:  I punched my brother once but you’d punch my brother too if you met him.


23. First piercing: Ears

24. Current best friend: Cathy


25. First award: I don’t know. Principals award?

26. First Crush: How the hell am I suppose to remember that?!


27. Firstword:  ……That’s a good question! “ Hey MOM!...” *walking away*

28. Last person you talked to in person:  Leeahn Chuneil ;)


29. Last person you texted:  Jimmy



30. Last person you watched a movie with:  Family

31. Last movie you watched:  Maybe…… Idk my family watches a lot of movies. So what if I’m down stairs and I listen to the movie in between kpop songs? Does that count?


32. Last song you listened to: Lee Hi 1 2 3 4

33. Last thing you bought:  Mascara

34. Last person you hugged:  Casey

35. Favorite Food:  Chinese Food? Asian Food?

36. Favorite Drink: Wahtah bebe! :D Or lemonade!

37. Bottoms : What do you want me to say? Bottoms up? Uh….. yeah if your talking about clothing wise, jeans

38. Flower : Cherry Blossom

39. Animal:  Panda ES!


40. Color: Pink, White, Anything bright but not NEON bright

41. Favorite Movie: Invisible



42. Favorite subject:  ART! HELLAVU GOOD ARTIST, I AM! *hide* no im kidding….



HAVE YOU EVER: (Put an x in the brackets if you have)




43. [] Gotten Baptized.


44. [X] Celebrated Halloween.


45. [X] Had your heart broken.


46. [X] Went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone.


47. [X] Had someone question your ual orientation.


48. [] Got pregnant. _._;


49. [] Had an abortion.


50. [X] Did something you regret.


51. [X] Broke a promise.


52. [X] Hid a secret.


53. [X] Pretended to be happy.


54. [] Met someone who changed your life.


55. [X] Pretended to be sick.


56. [] Left the country.


57. [X] Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it.


58. [X] Cried over the silliest thing.


59. [X] Ran a mile.


60. [] Went to the beach with your best friend.


61. [X] Got into an argument with your friends.


62. [X] Hated someone.


63. [] Stayed single for a whole year.  







64. Eating: Nothing since im in class and they don’t let you have food around computers X.X


65. Drinking:




66. Listening to: BoA- Eat you up (Mmm yes I will taeminnie)


67. Sitting/Laying: Sittin' with myself in a chair


68. Plans for today: Uh wake up, not eat, take the bus to school, go to school, not eat, take the bus home, do homework, EAT, read some Fanfic, listen to music all freakin day….do some tumblr-in, go to bed at like 1:00am, wake up again at 6:30am

69. Waiting for: My boyfriend? Uh…. My hair to grow out?....SHINee comeback?







70. Want kids: You betcha! (I hate when people say that!)


71. Want to get married: Already been asked ;)


72. Career: Teaching kids in Korea how to speak the English…… heh ^o^ WOOOOO!



WHICH ONE in a significant other:




73. Lips or Eyes: EYES


74. Shorter or taller: Taller


75. Romantic or spontaneous: Romantic


76. Hook-up or relationship: Relationship


77. Looks or personality: Uh….I would prefer both….








78. Lost glasses/contacts:  Yessir


79. Snuck out of the house: uh huh, you know it.


80. Held a gun/knife for self-defense: No….they scare me >.<


81. Killed somebody:  Who would answer YES TO THIS QUESTION?!




82. Broken someone's heart: …..Not on purpose….


83. Cried when someone died:  Yes. I cry everytime I see someone die on t.v.








84. Yourself: Maybe…..?


85. Miracles: Yes ^^


86. Love at first sight: Nope, that’s call infatuation and isn’t a good thing to have :/


87. Heaven: YES!


88. Santa Clause: I’ve seen him! I swear!


89. on the first date?:  No….. Well…..Taemin? Does he count? >.<

90. Kiss on the first date: Yes cute kisses are ok


91. Is there one person you want to be with right now: Not at the moment but when I get texted later probably


92. Do you know who your real friends are: I’m pretty sure I do. But, you make me wonder…..


93. Do you believe in God:  I don’t know….. I want to…..




94. Post as 100 truths?:  This question confuses me….. huh?



95- Quote a famous person: "If I had to choose between loving you and breathing, I would use my last breath to say 'I love you'." -Lee Taemin


96 - Say something funny: ……. I’m gunna get that some leaves, es love leaves…… kekeke



97 - Laugh at yourself: MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Heh..heh…heh… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *wipe tear* oh man.




98- Last message: ….i love you….. ^o^


99- A picture of you: Really?...uh okay….

No……maybe tomorrow lol


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