I'm back! (Hopefully)

Hey guys! I know it's been a long time since I've updated. And I'm really sorry about it. Like reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy sorry about it. This year has been the busiest yet for me. Studies does come first in my life and I hope all of you can understand that. And to all of you that have been supporting me all this time, I can't find any other words to offer my thanks to you. THANK YOU like a kezillion times. I love all of you who continue to support me even though I went through a really long hiatus. 

On the bright side, I hope I really am back this time. And since it's the holidays, I hope I get enough creative juices flowing to finish this story up. *having terrible writer's block lately* I've updated a chapter, although it's kinda short. Hope you'll bear with me!

That's all for now. Bye guys!



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