My Results~~!! ^.^

Hi guys~~!!  So, today I got my results for the most important examinations in my primary school life. Which is the UPSR.

So , I got straight A's. ><

5 A's to be exact .I feel so Happy cuz I was targeting 3A's 2 B's. ( Cuz my Malaysian is not that good. ) ><

But fate changes everything. And I want to say congratz to my friend Nero_Clear who also went through the same examinations this year and got 4A's 1B.

And if u wonder what UPSR means, it means " Ujian Penilaian Sekolah Rendah " in Malaysian and " Primary School Assesment Test " in English

Congratz to me. Sushi King waiting for me tonight. Promised present from my mom if I get 5A's. ( I love food~~!! ^^ )

Following is the subjects for the exam =

Malaysian Writing ( Bahasa Malaysia Penulisan)

Malaysian Understanding ( Bahasa Malaysia Pemahaman )




Byee guys...Lovee u all~~!! ^^


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Congrats for getting 5A's !