Eyes Like Mine/Application

Name: Kwon Chisako

Age+Birthday: 17, December 15,1994

Pic: Baek Su Min

Love Interest: Jung Ilhoon

Ethnicity: Korean-Japanese

Background: Chisako was born in Osaka,Japan to a Japanese mother and a Korean father. She has an older brother who is currently studying in the UK. Chisako's mother is a pastry chef and she own's a small bakery, her father is a news anchor in both Korean and Japan. Chisako spent most of her childhood in Japan until her family moved to South Korea when she was 13yrs. old. Chisako had a difficult time adjusting to life in Korea, she would often travel back to Japan with her father. After a while she became used to her new life and even took up various extra-curricular activities like dancing, kickboxing, and tennis. She was allowed to continue these activities as long as she excelled in school. She plans to study medicine when she goes on to attend a university.

Personality: Chisako is quite stubborn when she's made up her mind about something. She won't let anything stop her from accomplishing her goals. She's someone who thinks of others before herself and doesn't mind making sacrifices to make others happy. She can be extremely sarcastic at times which tends to get her in trouble with people who don't know her well. Her outward appearance doesn't really match her personality, most people see her as someone fragile when in reality she's a bit rough and unpredictable. She's not afraid to challenge herself and she encourages others to do the same. She's not afraid to voice her opinions even if it causes others to hate her. She's afraid of failing and being rejected.

Style: Her style is casual she prefers casual over party/fancy clothes. Loves wearing hoodies and pullovers.  Ex: 1 2 3 4 5 

Notable likes & dislikes: Likes- Reading, cold weather, traveling, dogs, Japanese rock, street food, museums

Dislikes- Playboys, materialistic people, hot weather, failure, pink, illness(being sick)

Extra: I'm intrigued as to how the story is going play out.

If you are not chosen, would you like to be a side character? Yes


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cupcakecrushes #1
App recieved, thanks for applying, but the links for style arent coming up for me.