♚ R O Y A L || Ahn Riyeon





                                                                                                                                  Being Royal is not a status, but a mindset. Therefore we are Royal.



AFF Username: Hye-rae

What Do I Call You: Dee

Activeness: 8


The Basics:


Character Name: Ahn Riyeon

Beotopeollai - butterfly. it represents her true self, the social butterfly.

Date of Birth + Age: 31st of October, 1989 + 23

Place of Birth: Beijing, China

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Ethnicity: Half Korean Half Chinese


  • Korean - fluent
  • Chinese - fluent
  • Japanese - basic


Royal Beauty:


Ulzzang Name: Kim Seulmi

Images: ONE || TWO || THREE || FOUR + GALLERY 

Back Up Ulxxang Name: Jihyeun

Images: ONE || TWO || + GALLERY 

Height + Weight: 170cm + 58kg

This is her when she's in her dorm. Casual. Really casual. Riyeon never cares about her style when she's in her dorm. She mix and match them freely. 

​This is her when she's outside, having fun like other people did. She will be totally casual yet classy and y in a good way without looking cheap. 


Royal Behavior:



     Bored of the same aegyo freak girls? Meet Riyeon, the  beautiful troublemaker. Wait, troublemaker? Her facial features shows the opposite of it. Wait, the opposite of Ahn Riyeon. She's a perfectionist. Cleanliness is totally important for her. Call her , and anything bad? Too bad she doesn't even care for it. 

     Devilish? No. She's kind! That's what her close friends said. Yet, does her acquaintances said so? No. They said that Riyeon is a freaking . She do prank... a lot! There's a side where only people that she could trust - innocent. bubbly. cutie pie. The childish side will make you feel comfortable with her. Fragile. The perfect word to describe Ahn Riyeon. Looks may be deceiving, eh? She's a genius. She never study but guess what? The school top 20 list will contain her name. Ahn Riyeon. With the elderly community, she could be very kind and polite - as if she is an innocent girl. Even with her young age, she is pretty matured when it comes to feelings. Motherly and dedicated to work made the teachers trust her with their hearts.
     Nobody's perfect, right? What makes Riyeon different from them? Many things but there's one thing made them similar. They are humans with imperfection. Grudge? She's the queen of the grudge. Made her suffer for once and she made you suffer forever. In China, people call her  Ahn while in Korea, we call her Riyeon Ahn. Some of them call her Rian Hitler since she's cruel. Very cruel indeed. She's the chilli bomb. Why? It's her word made her that way. The sarcastic queen is here, for sure! Playboys? Ah. You could find the word 'playboy' in the dictionary of 'things that Riyeon hate'. Haters? She never give a damn about them, unless if they hurt herself and her precious ones. She's close to her family, such a cute young lady but did you know, Riyeon, herself, hates his father. Therefore, she became a quiet; and cold girl. 


    In a rich society, she was raised to be delicate. Since she was raised in Busan, making her a delicate woman is hard since she loves to ride the bicycle and came home, with dirts. Her mother always scold Riyeon for her unwomanly doings but Riyeon never cares. Instead of giving a damn, she enjoyed the life with boys. Being forced and forced with a little abusement from her father (her father only slapped her but she called it abusement). she changed to a rebel. She hang out with her older friends in the mall and flirts with the guys. She spent a lot of money. Her parents were broke, thus, they went to Seoul to find a new job.
    In Seoul, she was raised with her evil aunt eventhough she can handle herself by her own and the worst nightmare is watching her siblings getting scold by them. Being the second one in the five siblngs made her felt responsible. She decided to live in their grandmother's house with her sisters.
     Her thoughts of having a beautiful fairytale started when she was dating the handsome man. A frown never appear in this beautiful face, but she got heartbroken when this playboy cheated on her. She was sad, luckily, her sisters, Ahn Miyeon, Ahn Jiyeon, Ahn Taemin and Ahn Kiyeon were there to help her stand by herself, back. Now, she doesn't believe in love.


  • Fashion - every girl does!
  • Money - symbol of happiness!
  • Music - it calms her down.
  • Water - it calms her down.
  • Swag - to prevent people calling her angelic nerd, she learnt it and use her swag
  • Romance - dreamy girls love it!
  • Books - as a geek, she love this.
  • Movies - she love this for no reasons. ._;
  • Cartoons .- people doesn't know she like them 
  • Electro-pop music - it makes her move to the groove and somehow make her fit.
  • Her clothes -  no reasons. ._.
  • Shakespeare - his creations are beautiful. 



  • Classical - making her sleep! NONO!
  • Hideous things - who love 'em?
  • Lame people - they are so boring. they make her sleep.
  • Her father! - don't know why.
  • Too cute people - annoying orange is their friend.
  • Dusts - it made her sneeze.
  • Nuts - allergic to it.
  • Hot guys - they always brag about their hotness
  • APINK - blame them for being too cute 
  • Lady Gaga - such a fashion disaster! 


  • Shopping
  • Acting
  • Reading romance novels
  • Surfing the Internet
  • Singing
  • Dancing
  • Watching movies
  • Cat-fighting



  • Happy ||  eats. dances. 
  • Sad ||  takes a shower.  lock herself in her room and cry. 
  • Jealous || gives a death glare.
  • Confused || hyperventilates. 
  • Angry || eats. rips papers. 
  • Nervous || sleeps. chew some candies.
  • Worried || sleeps. hyperventilates.
  • Bored ||  pouts and probably curse.


  • She has a small birthmark on her thigh that looks like an aeroplane
  • When she's hearing music , she will forget what's going on the world .
  • She has a Twitter and Facebook . ( Twitter ; @ahri_rian - Facebook ;Rian Ahri Ahn Riyeon)
  • She has three cats named Angel ,Devil and Human.
  • She loves the colour pink and purple
  • Her favourite dish is lasagna.
  • She loves fruit juices, milkshakes, popsicles and bubble teas
  • She admit that the most handsome Hollywood celebrity is Liam Payne.
  • She loves the movie, Twilight and Harry Potter.
  • Her favourite celebrities is Tiffany Hwang, Jessica Jung, Kim Hyorin, Ailee, Juniel and Pixie Lott but she really adores Lee Chae-rin.
  • She is the former model of Gabalnara.
  • Scared of insects 
  • She's a Directioner and a SONE 
  • She has a claustrophobia



The Royal Family:



    Ahn Jineul || 48 || Teacher || caring. lovable. bubbly. hard-working. || Jineul and Riyeon's relationship is very good! They crack jokes together and shop together.
  • FATHER: 
    Ahn Chunhee || 50 || Manager || 
    Strict. Fierce. Decent. Close-minded. || She dislikes his father. They are not in good terms. Well, her father is biased. He loves Miyeon and Taemin more than he loves Riyeon, Jiyeon and Kiyeon.
    Ahn Miyeon || 27 || Doctor || 
    responsible. caring. mother-like. fierce. || pretty good. They were very close back then when Miyeon hadn't tie the knot. Now, Miyeon is married and she followed her husband to another district.

    Ahn Jiyeon || 20 || trainee of Cube. || 
    arrogant. classy. fashionable. beautiful. || very good. They shared stories together and they shared similar interests. 

    Ahn Taemin || 15 || student. || playful. cheeky. bubbly. naughty. || pretty good. They joked around each other yet it's hard to keep a conversation with Taemin since they have an extremely long .

    Ahn Kiyeon || 14 || student. trainee of Cube. || playful. sensitive. bubbly. caring || pretty good. They joked around each other and Kiyeon is pretty funny. Riyeon usually tease Kiyeon about her dancing skills. 


The Royal Court:


Best Friends: 

  • Na Injung || 23 || Businesswoman || boyish. caring. playful. naughty || very good. Eventhough Riyeon is busy, she never made Injung felt left out.  + They were in the 2NE1's concert, side by side, they cheered for different idols, Riyeon cheered for Bom while Injung cheered for Dara.


  • Shin Danee || 23 || trainee of Cube. || shy. delicate. erted. girlish. || good. They were better when they were both not trainee. + They were in the 2NE1's concert, side by side, they cheered for different idols, Riyeon cheered for Bom while Danee cheered for CL.
  • Jin Aerin || 23 || Doctor || shy. bubbly. cheerful. cheerful. || good. They still contact each other. + Aerin is the top ranker of all-time along with Riyeon. Riyeon always thought that Aerin is dull but Aerin, is the total opposite of it when you know her. 
  • Park Bom || 28 || 2NE1 || matured. bubbly. romantic. responsible. || pretty good. They often talk with each other in their trainee days. + They met her when she was practising her voice. 


The Royal Love:


Love Interest: 
Kwon Jiyong || 24 || Big Bang || Jiyong is a manly boy. He is a romantic boy . He is a sweet-talker . When he loves somebody, he will do anything for that girl . He is very helpful when it comes to helping the elderly.He loves to entertain people with his jokes. Unlike Riyeon, he will never hurt anybody.He is the easy-going type of boy .He is the most goofy person if you knew him well. He loves adventure . Eventhough he loves adventure, he dislikes suprises except if the suprise is a suprise for his someone special. He is a nature lover . He loves peace. .He is the sensitive type of boy. One thing you need to know about Jiyong is he will never cry . He is the boy with the smile that every girl dreamt of . He may be not a hot-tempered man but once he get mad at somebody, he will hurt them. It happens naturally and Jiyong have no intention to do those things on purpose. Jiyong has a strong ego. He is very stubborn.He is kinda' weird .His ideal type is decent girls . He is matured.  Imperfection made a man .Jiyong hold on those words. Jiyong is the type of boy who hates sarcastic people eventhough he is one.He is very choosy.Like Riyeon, he is the boy who talk before he thinks .but he never has haters since he has the good looks . Eventhough he is well-known as the clown , he is serious when it comes to love, actually .He easily got a or shall I say easily.He is very clumsy . Despite his goody little two-shoes personality ,he hates Riyeon's guts. He and Riyeon will always quarrel about the most simple thing . He hates skinship. He will be cold and rude to strangers that she dislikes. || Jiyong and Riyeon were going to a club. As Jiyong needs a disguise, he pretended to be Jaemin, Riyeon's boyfriend and Riyeon? She was forced to do this. When they arrived, they went to the bartender and ordered some beverages. Riyeon got drunk easily, afterwards, she danced to the music. As the sun almost rise, Jiyong carried her to the car and drove her home. She kissed him before she fainted. || Enemies.

How they act around each other: Like cats and dogs.


Back Up Love Interest: 
Choi T.O.P Seunghyun || 25 || Big Bang || T.O.P is a manly boy. He is a romantic boy . He is a sweet-talker . When he loves somebody, he will do anything for that girl . He is very helpful when it comes to helping the elderly.He loves to entertain people with his jokes. He also likes to prank. Like Riyeon, he will never hurt anybody.He is the easy-going type of boy. Open-minded, that's his middle name. He is the most goofy person. T.O.P could be serious when he wanted to. He loves adventure . He likes suprises especially if the suprise is a suprise for his someone special. He is a nature lover . He loves fun like Riyeon. .He is the caring towards Riyeon . One thing you need to know about T.O.P is he will never cry . He is the boy with the smile that every girl dreamt of . He is hot-tempered at times but he knows how to control them. T.O.P loves to watch gags, just like Riyeon. T.O.P doesn't mind if Riyeon won in their fight. He will do anything for her. He is very stubborn.He is kinda' weird .His ideal type is SNSD's Tiffany. He is childish but somehow in someways, matured. Imperfection made a man .T.O.P hold on those words. T.O.P is the type of boy who is very sarcastic.He holds grudge.Like Riyeon, he is the boy who talk before he thinks but he never has haters since he has the good looks . Eventhough he is well-known as the clown , he is serious when it comes to love, actually .He got a easily or shall I say easily.He is very clumsy . He is selfish and he will do all it takes to be Riyeon's man. He and Riyeon will always quarrel about the most simple thing . He hates skinship. He will be cold and rude to strangers that she dislikes. || T.O.P, the romantic guy, who made girls fall for him easily and the extra-friendly, socializer Riyeon met. Everybody's think that they will be a hot pair. Then, the naughty Dara set up Riyeon on a date with TOP. Thanks to Daesung who actually help Dara in this.|| Flirting buddies.

Hoe they act around each other: Like a lovely couple, yet, they don't realize their felings.


Past Relationship:
a random guy named Lee Hyunjae ._. He's handsome, smart, cute. This is him. He broke up with Riyeon because he cheated with this girl named Jeon Nooyoung


Scene Request: ---



The Royal Life:


Stage Name: Rian

Persona: The AweSwaq Chic ( AweSwaq stands for Awesome and Swag )

Postion: Lead Rapper. Sub Vocalist.

Back Up Position: Lead Vpcalist. Lead Dancer.

Personal Fan Club + Color:  Flyeonisms ( Flying Riyeonisms ) + Red



The Royal Input:


Song Suggestions: Look At Me --- Jewelry| Luv Me --- D-UNIT | Tahiti --- Hasta Luego

Group Fanclub Name: Classykings ( boys ) Classyqueens ( girls )

Any other suggestions: Running Man!


The Royal Goodbye:


Comments: Annyeong, author-nim? How's you doing? BD So, to clearify her personality, she's only kind and motherly to people that she thinks she need to be like her family, and things ang mean to strangers and acquaiantances.

Feedback: -


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