❝B . A . P ' s S e c r e t L o v e L i f e❞ ┇Application form

Annyeong! I'm {Jang JaYeon}



RealStory?- - - -

aff username : _KaeMIN_
aff profile link : babywassup
what should i call you : hi  Lee :D I'm JaYong but you can call me "Jia" ! ^^~~

desired plot : Girlgroup


[MyNote: Hello Author-nim! I'll be writing this application in 1st Person so you can understand the character better!^^ Oh and all ages are in Korean Age :D Just add 1 more year if you want International Age^^]


AnotherMe,YesSir!- - - -


name : Jang JaYeon
nicknames :

{Sarcasm Queen} My fans call me that since I always use sarcasm on Variety Shows/Radio Shows.

{Jar} Foreign Fans gave me this nickname since some of them can't pronounce "Ja" properly.

d.o.b : 17/05/1995

height : 164cm
weight : 44kg

birthplace : South Korea, Busan
hometown : South Korea, Busan
blood type : O+

languages : fluent korean and conversational english

personality : 

Hello ! I am Jang JaYeon, soloist of TS Entertainment! I debuted last year, just a month after Yongguk oppa's solo debut. After attending one episode of Strong Heart and Super Junior's "Sukira", I was nicknamed 'Sarcasm Queen' by my fans, the J.Shines! Well, I admit that I speak with a lot of sarcasm but I do know the limits. I'm pretty much a humorous, fun girl to be with. I love to perform on stage. Performing isn't just about showing your skills to the audience, but it's also having fun on stage and being who you really is. 

I consider myself friendly since I love to make friends. I've became friends with almost all the TS trainees. I don't usually get angry unless you broke something precious or insulted me badly. Normally, I don't stage mad at a person for more than an hour. I have never showed my bad side on or off TV in front of others as an idol and I don't plan on showing it in the future too. I get upset easily since I've always set a high expectation of myself. Crying in front of others is a sign of weakness for me so I've never done that. I'm homesicked easily due to my young age.

Before I've joined TS Entertainment, I've been living in Busan all my life. Just like Daehyun sunbae, I was a student in Nataraja Academy. I've been in there for a year when I was 14, and was scouted by TS before I turned 15. Leaving my family when I was 15, I went to Seoul myself to officially started training as a TS trainee. Training for a year and I debuted as a soloist. I love to sing and dance. I can rap too.

I don't really care what others think of me. I like being who I am. I remember when I was pre-debut, I danced on the subway train and soon appeared all over Naver. That was one of the greatest highlight of my life. I am born to be myself and do what I like, not born to impress anyone else. I hate it when people thinks I'm a show-off or anything like that. Hey! That's not true. I don't go around bragging that I can sing or dance or rap.


likes :

  • singing
  • dancing
  • rapping
  • choreographing
  • writing lyrics
  • shopping
  • fashion
  • guitar
  • laughing
  • sarcasm
  • ballad music


dislikes :

  • mathematics
  • soccer
  • insects
  • bitter coffee
  • arrogant kids
  • people who thinks I am show-off
  • People with no manners
  • Overcrowded Parties


hobbies :

  • Painting my nails
  • Collecting iPhone covers
  • Choreographing dance
  • Writing Lyrics
  • Playing guitar


habits :

  • Sleeping late
  • Using a lot of sarcasm
  • Grabbing the hem of my shirt when guilty
  • Clenching my fists when nervous


trivia :

  • I love color contacts especially blue ones
  • I have hazel eyes that turn dark brown when I'm tired
  • I'm a fan of Super Junior and f(x)
  • BoA, IU and Ailee are my role models
  • I'm part of the lyricist for Song JiEun ft. Bang Yongguk's "Going Crazy"
  • I hope to debut as an actress in the future
  • I'm as flexible as f(x)'s Victoria
  • My favorite colors are Black and White and Pink
  • I have 3 piercings on each ear
  • I appeared in Secret's "Shy Boy" as a cameo
  • I would like to be in "We Got Married" ! keke.
  • I have 1 mini album, 2 singles for now.

ulzzang one : Kwon Su Jeong || 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010
ulzzang two : Park Hyojin || 
001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010


They'reUnbreakableBaby!- - - -

family backgrounds :

My family consists of 3 members. Me, Appa and Umma. I have no siblings which also explains why I love to make friends. Anyways, my Appa is the founder and principal of Kirin Busan Arts High School. I was planning to attend it in the future previously when I wasn't scouted yet but since I'm scouted, I have to study in Seoul. Kirin Busan Arts High School (KBAHS) is founded in 1992. It grew to be one of the top best arts high school in the entire South Korea. I'm like a rich kid but I don't like showing off.

My umma is a excellent guitar player. She learned guitar since 11 and became a guitar teacher in her mid twenties. She even taught the idols in her generations how to play the guitar! Yeah, she is now a guitar teacher in KBAHS. I've learned guitar from her when I was 10. My umma met my appa in KBAHS of course. The fell in love, dated, got married, and produced me. Haha.

family members : 

Jang YongGi | 50 | Alive | Founder & Principal of KBAHS | Cool, Humorous, Sarcastic | Appa is really cool. He's like totally supporting me in everything and doesn't even care if I watch . NO I DON'T WATCH .

Kim ByeolYoo | 46 | Alive | Guitar teacher in KBAHS | Sarcastic, Friendly, Humorous | Umma treats me like a bestfriend. She allows me to talk informally to her! And she spends her free time spazzing about Super Junior with me. Her bias is Siwon (;

friends : 

Song JiEun | 23 | Secret's Main Vocalist | Cute, Sweet, Caring | We've met when I was writing part of the lyrics for her song, "Going Crazy". We're good friends and usually spend time together singing my self-written songs.

Bang Yongguk | 23 | BAP's Leader, Main Rapper | Weird, Shy, Cool | We also met through the lyrics writing since he also wrote the rap lyrics. We are good friends and I usually ask him for rapping advices.

Moon Jongup | 18 | BAP's Main Dancer, Vocalist | Shy, Awkward | We met during Shy Boy's MV filming. He's really cute and dances really well. We use to dance together pre-debut.

Jung Daehyun | 19 | BAP's Main Vocalist | Cool, Weird, Humours | He buys you drinks especially Banana Milk. You guys are much closer than the other BAP members since you both are from Busan and uses the Busan satoori to speak with one another.

Bae Suji, Suzy | 19 | Miss A's Lead Vocalist, Visual | Cute, Sarcastic, Fun | We met in Music Shows while I was promoting my new Korean version remake of "Payphone" feat Kevin and Eli of UKISS. Both of us are sarcastic so we became good friends.

Kevin Woo Sunghyun | 21 | UKISS's Vocalist | Cute, Sweet, Cool | He was the one who appeared in my Korean version remake of "Payphone" as the male vocalist! He's really sweet and would buy Banana Milk for me. He is quite of a diva.

Eli Kim KyoungJae | 22 | UKISS's Rapper | Cool, Sarcastic, Funny | He rapped in my Korean version remake of "Payphone". He's a cool rapper and would teach me some English at times.


I know a lot more artists but these are the artists that I'm closer with to be considered real friends.

rival : none.


iLikeYou!BeMinePlease?- - - -


desired partner : Jung Daehyun
partner's personality : Daehyun is a friendly and humourous guy. When I first met him, he seemed a bit distant. I think it's due to his mask. After he removed his mask permanantly, he became a total different guy. He was so nice and smiles at everyone. He's super cool when he sings ballad.

history with partner : Since I am part of the Lyrics writer of "Going Crazy", I wanted to see how the MV filming was going on. I went to the set with the crews. BAP members were there as well to show their support to their future leader, Bang Yongguk. I met Daehyun there. We chatted and found out that both of us are from Busan so we got closer. We love speaking to each other in Busan Satoori. He found out your love for banana milk and from last year till now, he would get you banana milk whenever you guys meet.

How you met? : ---


backup desired partner: Bang Yongguk

Partner's personality: Yongguk is weird and shy and awkward at times. He's shy when he first met but when he found out I could rap, he got so excited and started talking about rapping stuff. He's awkward most of the time for that he doesn't talk much. The only time when he isn't weird nor shy nor awkward is when he is rapping. He's fun to be with since his weirdness just make me laugh.

history with partner: We met through the gathering for all lyricist of "Going Crazy". We gathered together and brainstormed. After everyone left, only me and Yongguk stayed behind to continue writing lyrics. We had great chemistry together. He loves to have rap battles with me, knowing that I would lose to him. Ever since he debut with BAP and did his weird aegyo, I would always about it. Yongguk is a great guy that taught me how to rap better.

How you met: ---


WhatMyheartTellsMeToDo,- - - -


anything else : I want fluffy scenes at the backstage for music shows xD hahahahaa. Oh and maybe there would be a TS Family Concert? hehe. Maybe Daehyun/Yongguk and maybe the other BAP members would go and support JaYeon at her comeback stage :D It would be great if they can go on WGM but well, I don't think it's possible cos the story isn't just about JaYeon...haha. Hwaiting !

password : *dongsaengSyz | [BBC, Baby, Inspirit]
                       *chansungyuna | [Angel, Baby, Inspirit


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The history with partner supposed to be your history with Daehyun. Example, how you met. :D

btw, everything is okay! ^^