My Awsome night at the Japanese Grill

Went to a japanese grill place and had a few funny things happen. The 2 waiters that were at our table were both so cute (One of them was japanese and the other might of been not sure). The shortert of the two was flirting with every female at the table (minus me and my two friends. and the taller one was really nice to everyone( his voice is just dripping with iness[sorry thats my hormones kickin in]). At the end of the night my friend tried getting his number for me but he couldn't find the guy anywhere..I was so bummed. so yeah thats how my night went...oh did I mention that I was hancuffed to a chair for 12 minutes??


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I had a pair of handcuffs that came with my belt that I recently purchased. I kept the cuffs in my backpack. somehow my friend took them out of my bag and cuffed me to the chair with me noticing till I tried to poke someone.

the flirter was so cheesy but it was all in fun.

oooh can I has a description of what he looks like? jk..unless you wanna tell me then its all good. :D
oh hancuffed hmm why?! got me curious

oh, a flirt but cute *smile*
oh, I got a crush too, but he is Chinese, he is cute