Let the wind blow

oh what perfect timing~

i just finished dying my hair and see this ^^

hanbyul looked like he mouthed the wrong words in the beginning lol

hyoseok having people aid him in playing the drums was interesting..
i haven't seen something like that in other mvs before so that's good. originality

kyumin is wearing shorts and leggings.. like every other male idol out there. WHY.
do these idols know how weird that looks??? i tried it before they did. lol
oh wait, hanbyul's wearing it too

youngjun looks so damn hot whenever he's that serious, which is like 90% of the time lol

kwangyeon's hair. it's one of those hairstyles that i'm not so fond of... great.
he and younjun need more screentime!!

i had expected that they'd have a more upbeat song.. i'd prefer that.
let your instruments loose boys!!

oh well, i liek it anyways, although not as much as i could've
kinda disappointed with this comeback

but hey, hanbyul's a robot :D

i liek the song better the second time.

what i dislike still, is that the beginning reminds me of viet music. me no gusta.





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