I'm sick

Well, as you can see from the title, I'm sick. I'm down with the gastric flu and I puked truckloads yesterday afternoon. Luckily, I made a smart decision to skipa lesson so that I could go back home otherwise i'd be puking in class.

I literally pukedout a whole day's worth of meals. Never gonna eat spaghetti from that stall again. Tastes horrible. Still abit groggy right now but I'm feeling better. The antibiotics are killing my energy. The good news is that I only puked twice today and five times yesterday, so you could say I'm recovering. But now i'm really scared when I burp coz usually if I burp alot, it means another puking session is coming. :\


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rae_rae #1
take care kelvin alright? have plenty of water so that you'll not be dehydratred. Take care :D
badtestament #2
Take care of yourself ok?? Take a picture of the stall and stomp it man!! Lolz. Get Well soon kay??
Take care of yourself hyung and don't eat anything unless you absolutely trust the food stall! Get well soon kay?
Rocherrr #4
Take care of yourself and never eat from that stall again. Get well soon!
MoniiVann #5
Honestly i want to lecture u about not taking care of yourself atm.. but ill save that till later
Hope u get better soon kelvin
Miss talking to u :/