{ The Romantic } Application



[ Kwon SuJeong ]


Your Profile-

Username: _KaeMIN_

Profile link: superjuniorclick!


Your Character's Profile-

Age: 18

Ethnicity: Korean


Kwon SuJeong is someone who is actually very friendly once you get to know her. At first, the first impression she gives off would be like a girl from a rich family, someone that doesn't likes to talk. Truthfully, she IS from a rich family but she doesn't show it off. She loves to chat and even gossip about the hottest guy in school. Just like any other ordinary girl, she loves to have fun, she loves to dress herself up, she loves compliment, she loves to smile and laugh. SuJeong is a quick-temepered girl. She hates anyone that annoys the hell out of her. Taking her stuff without permission, or copying her art designs, would piss her off already. SuJeong loves dancing and that is her passion. She hopes to become a choreographer for kpop artists in the future. SuJeong has an obsession for both the guitar and banana milk. 

Pictures of Ulzzang: 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010

Back-up Ulzzang Name: Park Hyojin

Picture of Back-up Ulzzang: 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010


Your Interest:


  • dancing
  • choreographing
  • shopping
  • fashion
  • sleeping
  • twitter
  • banana milk
  • guitar
  • ballad music
  • animals
  • coffee
  • peppermint flavor
  • Selcas


  • insects
  • mathematics
  • soccer
  • house chores
  • people with no manners / are rude
  • crazy electro music
  • clubbing / parties / disco


  • painting her nails
  • collecting iPhone covers
  • playing the guitar
  • shopping for banana milk
  • choreographing dances


  • insects that flies
  • overcrowded places
  • liquid form medicine


  • she is an ELF since Sorry Sorry era.
  • she is a Baby since B.A.P debuted.
  • her favorite girlgroup is f(x).
  • she hopes to choreo for f(x) in the future.
  • she has light brown eyes but loves to wear color contacts.
  • she has 2 piercings on each ear
  • she is as flexible as f(x)'s Victoria
  • favorite colors are black and white.
  • her birthday is on 17 May.
  • has banana milk stored in her fridge and never runs out of it.
  • never dated before. she rejected everyone because she can't return the same feelings.


She would wear anything that she feels comfortable with. Actually, she feels comfortable with any kind of clothes except for y ones. SuJeong loves color contacts.

001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010

Ideal Type:

Someone that has a pretty smile, and pretty eyes. SuJeong has a thing for guys that can sing ballad and dance. Guys that dance are totally hot. She likes guys with a sweet personality and is caring and cute. Of course, she's not looking for a perfect, flawless guy. She thinks that guys that gets jealous easily are very very cute. If a guy shares a common liking with her, it would be great. Especially if the guy loves banana milk too (;


Your Answers: [Written in 1st Person]

What is your ideal date?"

My ideal date would be somewhere where me and my boyfriend would be alone, just somewhere without a lot of people because I have a fear for overcrowded places. Spending time together would be a perfect date already. /giggles/ Well, I would love to have banana milk with my future boyfriend too! It would be great if we can have a date at a place we call "ours" ! so sweet !

Which one of the idols given by me do you want to be paired up with?:

Lee Taemin, maknae of SHINee ! ^.^

In the first meeting, what will you probably say or do?:

As the usual manners, I'll introduce myself ! Um, probably share some facts about me. I'll love to be at the beach, just walking and chatting, you know, just getting to know each other more and more so we would be comfortable around one another rather than being awkward and shy.

What will you feel if someone holds your hand for the first time?:

It really depends on who it is. If it's someone I really like (crush), I would usually have butterflies and...blush. Well, I would be happy of course! Hehe. If it's like my guy bestfriend or something, I would just feel comfortable and nothing much. If it's someone that I rely on, like my family, I would always feel the warmth and love. Anyways, it just feels amazing.

What will you feel if someone gave you a piggy back ride?:

I will be soooooo grateful ! Haha. Well, especially when I wear heels. Heels hurts my feet everytime when I wear them for long hours. Piggy back rides are fun but I usually fall asleep while being piggy-backed. 

What will you feel if someone took a picture with you?:

Yay ! Selca time ! I love taking selcas ! Especially with people that I crush on ! I usually post them on twitter ! ^^ I would love it if they set our selca as their phone's wallpaper ! It's so cute .

What is the most romantic object someone will ever give to you?

A Red or White or Pink GUITAR. Gosh, I know I'm such non-romantic person. But I would be really touched if I ever get a Red or White or Pink guitar as a gift. It's romantic to me, at least.

Do you fall in love easily?

No, I don't. It usually takes time for me since I would like to really know that guy, get comfortable with him. Love and Like is different. Puppy Love and True Love is different. I don't like short relationships. Many relationships fail as both partners fail to understand each other. Before really falling in love, I want to understand the person more. Falling in love isn't easy because of my high standards in a guy as well. Hehe.

Do you get upset easily?

Honestly, I think I do. Even failing a small quiz makes me sad. 

In the end, would you want to end up as a couple with someone?:




Scene Request: I hope to have some fluffy scenes ! 

Suggestions: oh well, nothing much but if there's any specific ones, you can always wall post me ! ^^

Comments/Questions: I hope you like the application ! ^^ It's half based on me^^


  • Sometimes, the heart sees what is invisble to the eyes.
  • Let us always meet with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.
  • The best thing to hold onto in life is each other. 




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I totally like your app, all of your answers are so cute and are really good ideas, I kinda like it that you wrote it half-based on you, Thanks for applying!!!^^