Awkward Moment

Okay, I was on the computer doing my homework. (You know minding my own business) And this what happened...

Mom: What is this?

Sister: Oh, that's Chrystyle...

Me: *Turns to sister* Huh?

Sister: *whispers* She's reading your story.

Me: She's reading my story?

Sister: *nods*

Me: *turns to Mom with wide ask*\

Mom: *Stares at me and smirks*

Me: "Omg, she planning my death" *I thought*

Mom: What's this?

Me: I don't know I can't see that far.

Mom: Come here...

Me: Oh that's my story.....

Mom: *Reads more and hands it over then smile*

Me: *hurries to desk* "My life is over...I writing in google docs only now."


My mom doesn't know I write these kind of stories and cursing in my stories. I made it out with my life though... NEVER again. 0.o



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foreverkpoplover #1
I remember when my mom found one of my stories with a lot of cursing too, still when I was stupid enough to write on her blackberry, LOL, luckily she believed when I said it wasn't mine xD
Honey, you don't even know how many times I've almost gotten caught and the time I GOT caught. I feel your pain to the max. Horrible experiences...*shudder*
I toldy not to leave out your books lol especially with that kind of story XD I keeps my stuff stashed XD