Post lenght and ranting.

So, I've just read some posts from other authors and noticed they were all pretty long. Or at least, longer than mine. So I now feel kind of stupid. Don't blame me, I just want to write something here when I see the BLOG thingy next to the PROFILE thingy (yes, I'm really creative, and I also know the name of those 'signs'). The problem is, I don't have anything to say most of the time, which is kind of sad, since this is the fourth entry on the blog.

This also happens when I try to write something smart in my college diary. Some teachers there decided that you had to write a dirary on your thoughts (they can be about anything, as long as they are thoughts and not personal issues). So the first couple of weeks I wrote about any kind of thing that came into my mind. I first wrote about me thinking in English most of the time even though I'm from Barcelona. I also write about movie they have us watch. Last week, the film was Melancholia by Lars Von Tiersen (sorry if I got the name wrong) and it was the wierdest movie I remember watching. Not saying it's good or bad, I just found it really wierd and didn't undersand a thing. Scratch that, I did understand that the world was going to crash with a planet that was freaking HUGE compared to ours.

Anyways, I've decided I'll try to make the entries longer, even though I'm not sure if anyone reads them. If you do, thanks for listening to my rantings. 




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Aixi que vols fer mes llargues les entrades aqestes del blog raru, o dels capis del ffic??