98 Truths~!


1. Real Name: Yeona

2. Nickname(s): Nana, or Asian One 

3. Zodiac Sign: Piceses(? Is that how you spell it? O.O)

4. Male or Female: Female

5. Elementary School: Seoul International School (SIS)

6. College: Too young, I'm in 9th grade BB. 

8. Hair Color: Black going on milk-tea brown soon. ^^

9. Tall or Short: Short ;AA;

10. IM or Email: E-mail. 

11. Sweats or Jeans: Jeans, they make my legs look longer xD

12. Health Freak: NEVAR >:D I like my un-healthy snacks too much. 

13. Orange or Apple: Apples

14. Do you have a secret crush on someone: No -.-

15. Eat or Drink: Drink

16. Piercings: 5 ear piercings. ^^(normal ear lobe piercings, second piercings on each side, and a cartilage piercing on my left ear)

17. Pepsi or Coke: Neither. 

18. Been in an Airplane: Yes

19. Been in a Relationship: No

20. Been in a Car Accident: Yes

21. Been in a fist fight: No

22. First piercing(s): Normal ear piercings on my ear lobes. 

23. Current Best Friend(s): Lee Jihye! <3 

24. First Award: Presidential Award for Academic Excellence (Won it in the U.S.)

25. First Crush:  I think his name was Dongwook, but I'm not really sure... 

26. First Word: Tokki (as in bunny. ^^) 

27. Last Person You Talked To In Person: My God Mother

28. Last Person I Texted: My friend who I'm going out for sushi with tomorrow. :3 

29. Last Person You Watched A Movie With: With myself xD

30. Last Movie You Watched: The Black Swan (some seriously disturbing ...)

31. Last Song You Listened To: JJ Project- Bounce

32. Last Thing You Bought: A tube of mascara. 

33. Last Person You Hugged: My cat. 

34. Favorite Food: Kimbap~ 

35. Favorite Drink: 2% peach water.

36. Bottoms: I dunno. A pair of jeans I bought off of YesStyle. ^^

37. Flowers: Sunflowers

38. Animal: Chinchilla

39. Color(s): Aqua, and Purple

40. Favorite Movie: Mulan, of course!

41. Favorite Subject: Physics  or English.


Have you ever...

42. [x] gotten Baptized

43. [x] celebrated Halloween

44. [ ] had your heart broken

45. [] went over the minutes/texts on your phone

46. [ ] had someone question your ual orientation

47. [ ] got pregnant

48. [ ] had an abortion

49. [x] did something you regret

50. [x] broke a promise

51. [x] hid a secret

52. [x] pretended to be happy

53. [ ] met someone who changed your life

54. [x] pretended to be sick

55. [x] left the country

56. [x] tried something you normally wouldn't have tried but liked it

57. [x] cried over a silly thing

58. [x ] ran a mile

59. [ ] went to the beach with your best friend

60. [x] got into an argument with your friends

61. [] hated someone

62. [x] stayed single for a whole year



63. eating: Fage greek yogurt with come cinnamon granola.

64. drinking: none

65. listening to: FT Island- Hello Hello

66. sitting/laying: Laying down.

67. plans for today: Finish my legislative bill and get un-jet lagged.

68. waiting for: A call from Jihye's parents, with an update on her health. 


Your future...

69. want kids: Yes. 

70. want to get married: Yes! 

71. career: Makeup artist, or K-Idol (<---- like that'll happen xD)


Which one is in a significant order..

72. lips or eyes: Eyes

73. shorter or taller: Taller

74. romantic or spontaneous: Spontaneous

75. hook-up or relationship: Relationship

76. looks or personality: Personality


Have you ever..

77. lost your glasses/contacts: Yes, I just lost my glasses ;A; I might've left them in a different country OTL

78. snuck out of your house: NEVAR. NO NO NO.

79. held a gun/knife for self-defense: I'm not THAT violent. 


81. broken somebody's heart: No

82. cried when someone dies: Yes.


Do you believe in..

83. yourself: Depends.

84. miracles: Yes.

85. love at first sight: I think so. 

86. heaven: Yes.

87. santa claus: Somewhat? OuO 

88. on first date: No, premarital is bad. T.T *get's out sermon materials* XD

89. kiss on first date: Depends on the guy.


90. Is there one person you want to be with right now: Yes...

91. Do you know who your real friends are: Yes.

92. Do you believe in God: Of course I do!

93. Post as 100 truths: Eh? 



94. quote a famous person: "One day MBLAQ got a new house, many many happy." -Mir (MBLAQ)

95. say something funny: Why did the chicken cross the road? Oh, that's right it didn't; Onew ate it! (OTL that was a quail fail xD)

96. laugh at yourself: Okay... Hang on a sec. Lemme do something charming and funny. 

97. last message: I would be really surprised if anyone stuck around to read this whole thing. 

98. a picture of you: Maybe next time. LOLNOJK. Here's a picture. 

OMG is it over? Yeah? Okay. Bye! *waves furiously*





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Eunhyukmyonly #1
Haha cute. "I'm not that violent" yeah right you say at least 5 very violent things a day
Awwwww dude are you smart??? -(seems really smart ... And funny!) would you mind if I did this too? :D and yes the Mir quote!!!!