What Kind of Asian Are You?

I'm part asian (Chinese) so I thought.. What the heck, I want to know what kind of Asian I am?


 The FOB Asian
  Oh geez, whether you're proud of it or not, you are a FOB. (Fresh Off the boat) You are so in sync with whatever is occuring on the other side of the world. Your style is different from what americans are used to, but that's just fine! You have an aura of being exotic to others because of your different culture. And typically, you only stick with other asians... so you just seem even more asian. Anywho, you're a FOB.

So, yeah I took the quiz and this is what I got!!!

>> http://www.quotev.com/quiz/689678/What-Kind-of-Asian-Are-You/ <<

Check what kind of Asian you are!! ^^






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I'm the Popular Asian? Dafuq, lol but i am Asian, I literally half Japanese, half from the UK
we are the same! i got the same answer lol
Gemslover #3
Full Chinese here yo!
AjLee_Azy #4
Im full chinese
your part chinese???
I'm part Asian, too! Somewhere up the line, I think. If Native Americans are descendents of Asians than I'm somewhat Asian--hope it's Korean! Anyway, I took my quiz--I got the Cool Asian.
Your Chinese, unni?