Person Behind LeeJiEun (Eh you might die due to my ugliness)




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(Btw the first pic if For CC_Hyuna)

Annyeong My Name is Melody Joy Park I'm Filipino / Korean / Mexican 

here is how it goes my mom is Filipino / Mexican and My dad is Korean o. o;;

I'm 15 Year's Old o . o;;
My name is still the same
I like being Random 
I like Cookies & Milk :< do you like cookies & milk? if you don't then you o. o;;
I love puckering my lips in each picture XD as you can tell ^ . ^
I'm not smart well I don't think so llD
I'm a little trouble maker ;) & I'm Crazy 

Sometimes when I talk I feel like people don't listen to me //slapped <--- Random shiz up in here 


Well That's all from me Annyeong! hope you guys trip and fall but don't die 









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so pretty!
CC_Dasom #2
DAYUMN you make me feel ugly unnie xD LOL
Annyeonghaseyooo :3 Britney imnida~
You're pretty~ ^^

Don't say you're ugly D:
Thanks for the first picture dude your pretty as hell e_e