Ugh, sorry guys if my constant extentions are making you lose interest in my story. For one, its not even that great. Its just a beginner's draft...I've never actually submitted a writing piece online & had other people read it. o____o School just started like a month and a half ago and I'm SUPER busy seeing as I'm in high school & everything tires me out. I'm still getting used to this whole waking up at 4:50 in the morning and sleeping around 10pm thing again :| Maybe you can understand. I really hope I'm not disappointing you guys or boring you guys. Comments usually keep me posted on feelings of my readers, so please comment. ;___; I mean, it gives you +1 Karma too so that's good right? :D Please leave comments on my story...I really need feedback. Most of you like it....but Its just I feel so worthless when I can't get some feedback...but sometimes I gain a subscriber and that's good, right? :D I really do appreciate you guys and for all you've stayed with me 'till now. I really wanna crank out these chapters for you all so I can develop my writing skills. ^^ I'm quite new to all this so I'm now pro LOL. :D Right now, I've got a World History essay to be doing and its its due tomorrow.... :| WHY AM I PROCRASTINATING?!!!! I've only got 2 out of 5 paragraphs finished and 2 sentences started on the 3rd...Crap. I've already got an F in World History and I have to bring it up within 10 school days. I DONT EVEN KNOW HOW THATS GONNA GO DOWN, BUT WISH ME LUCK. Hopefully I can write the next chapter and a half tomorrow since I'll have a lot less homework.^^ Hope you all still stay subscribed. 


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