Dumb stuff

Hello everyone, my exams went fine, I passed. With good marks? Urm, lets skip that question.

I have 3 new ideas for a story, I've pondered over them for long. I get ideas during exams ALOT! One of them was the one-shot "A letter to her" which could've been done better.

Also I feel I need to change my writing style a bit, my friend says "too tragic, too tragic. Drama-queen".
I am a drama-queen but well I think that as well, my writing needs to lighten up in a way that's pleasing to read, like its not a drag, its a pleasure.

The first idea is so much of a cliche' 
Teenage american superstar who loves BEAST and comes to Korea for promoting and for her Asian leg of her tour. Meets them, freaks out when she doesn't want to. Becomes good friends with them and the story revolves around the challenges the stars face and also young mind's desires for freedom, love and friendship. It has a love triangle, a scalene one at that too. Each of the characters has a very tragic moment at some point in their lives that affects them, but they move on. But the past comes back once in a while, you just need to take over it. There are no villians in the story, YAY?
The ending was nice, ok only I liked it. (I give away too much of the story)

The second idea was, wait I forgot, oh yes it was this:
The internet, big network, opportunity to meet people you don't know, interesting people. I want the feale protagonist to be Eunji and the male to be Dongwoon, but I want someone else, Dongwoon is there ALL THE TIME! >.< 
Kinda like secret texting partners but only it's like Dongwoon and the others aren't stars, normal people and then there's this family element to it all. School stuff, same class and funny games, jokes and everything. On the internet people are different and in reality they're a bit different. On the internet many tend to project out their inner desires as well because hell who's so jobless to stalk them from miles and miles? Only psychopaths right? Yeah but that's a one in 10 thousand chance. Girl- Quiet and calm but budding with ideas, needs to let herself lose thats what the "texting partner" helps her do
Boy- Funny, awesome and adorkable. But thinks deep as well, idiotic and loves to help everyone. DAMN INTELLIGENT!

The third one doesn't have almost any romance in it but its FANFICTION- doesn't necessarily mean that you need to stuff romance. It's just things a fan likes to think about.
A writer for a magazine who used to be a big fan of a band when she was a teenager finally gets the chance to go to Korea for a project. What happens there? Who all does she meet? Does her article gather attention? She enjoys herself immensely and its cute cuz it has 2 kids in it (nope, not hers)


So anyone who read this, tell which one. I'm betting on myself that even if i start, I'll get lazy and leave it around incomplete.

Thanks for reading and PLEASE DO NOT COPYRIGHT (lol who would, I just tried to copy what other people write on their ideas, though mine are cliches. Ah who cares)
If you DO copyright, just tell me, atleast I would'nt feel as bad. Or I can tell you how to change stuff, shake it a bit and make a bit different story.



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