Writer's Block

So I'm pretty sure that I have no inspiration to write or that I just can't seem to keep something flowing smoothly. It makes me really sad because I really enjoy writing but I always get to a point in all my writings where I can't finish it. I know that I'm not the best writer in the world, but I can't just send something out that'll be crap. :/ So to all of those who have subscribed to me, I apologize. I just can't come up with anything worthy for AFF and myself lately. I really want to post something, though I have nothing that I can give you and be happy with. It'll be a while before I update on anything, though I'll try to come up with something for now.

Thanks you guise~



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alliebug128 #1
your writing is amazing!~take your time and you'll find inspiration! fighting!^^
pyrokinetic #2
I always get that same feeling :/ for me it helps to focus on something else, then while I'm doing that other thing like playing a video game or something, my subconcious is working out the block on it's own.
Fighting! :D