Happy 7th Anni Super Junior !



"Oh whatever anyone anyone says, it doesn’t matter to me

Oh whoever whoever curses me, I’ll only look at you

Even when I’m born again, it’s still only you

(Still Still) Even as time goes by" - Super Junior, It's U


What to say?  Well, I looked at my blog from last year and I thanked each member so this year I think I'll go into a bit more depth into what Super Junior as a group means to me.

Super Junior got me to where I am today.  The happy, cheeky, immature, violent, some times girly girl, sometimes total tom boy and completely insane girl.  To begin with my friend introdued me to DBSK.  I liked there music and honestly at first I was a Cassie.  But then I discovered Super Junior, specifically there song, It's You.  It was just before my big University entrance exams and I was panicking (this was back when I was a good student XD ).  But I remember every day when I came home from school it's u would be on repeat in my ears over and over again.  I didn't know much about the members at all or didn't have a bias and wow I've come a long way.  I guess what really got me hooked into super junior as a band was Haengbok I just saw how they interacted and loved every fricken moment of it.  My cousins also loved kpop back in Vietnam and they copied the 3rd album for me and I was officially in love.  I watched all there varities full house, mini drama EBH.   It was extremely hard for me to fit into uni at first, I had been at the same school all my life and my best friends had been my closest friends since I was around 5 years old.  I was literally shaking when I first went to uni and the only thing keeping me from breaking down was the boys.   I had Wonderboys playing constantly, blasting it in my ears and I took courage from that song and was hell bent on making new friends.  Every problem I had the boys would always be there to put a smile on my face.  I guess this year in particular they have become even more important to me and I guess without them I would be depressed right now.   I'm not even kidding there, my life came crashing down on me all of three weeks ago and they were the reason I continued on being normal (well normal for me) Victoria.  I have Super Junior to thank for this.


The reason I love kpop so much is that it is more than merely music.  You get to know the people, it's almost like your friends are singing to you when you play there music.  You're with the band members every step of the way and you see just how hard working they are.  Then there is your fandom who are like your friends that you can tell every thing too.  Honestly, I've told some of my elf friends things that even my closest friend doesn't know.  You laugh, cry and cheer together.  ELF are really ever lasting friends from my experience. Yes we do fight but when it matters we are the one fandom which is a force to be reckoned with. I've seen on kpop forums that time and time again people pot ELFS ARE CRAZY MAD, WTH IS WITH THE ELFS THEY A FRICKEN SCARY.  Why are we scary? Because we love our boys so damned much.  That's because they love us so damned much they are always the last people to leave the stage, no leader boys there head lower than ours.  No other group goes out of there way to buy icecreams for there fans but other kpopers on a hot day.  



The friendship between them members is amazing too.  They fight, but they look back on those moments and laugh.  To me that's a sign of true friendship.  Frienship to me isn't about the journey you've gone through together as people.  You can tell the boys would do anything for eachother.  Whether it is going to the gym in the early hours of the morning, helping each other out on shows, being there when another needs a shoulder to cry on.  The boys stick together and it's something I deeply admire.  


Super Junior, you mean everything to me.  Thank you for all the hard work throughout the years.  Thanks for achieving all your hopes and dreams and surviving despite the odds.  I mean the beginning was hard on you guys! You weren't a group that the company REALLY wanted to have and originally you were created because SMEnt felt bad for you boys.  Look at you now! Kings of the Kpop world, with more fans than you could possibly fathom.  You are a bunch of talented, good natured boys and I love you guys for that.  At the beginning of the blog, I posted the chorus of it's you and I think no other song conveys how I feel about the group as much as that song does.  Actually, no other song means as much as that song does.  It opened up a world to me and to this date is my favourite song. Super Junior, "The moment my heart was captured by you, I have no regret, I chose you, that’s right, it’s you."

HAPPY  7 YEAR ANNI GUYS!!! I know there will be more years to come and I look foreward to spending each and every one with you.  

P.S. Super Junior you have left me very broke lately.  Just ordered BIC 4 and ss4 tokyo ( both of them the lmted editions).  But it's worth it T_T


P.P.S. credit to gif makers. Was going to include more but my internet is crappy atm =_= *flips table* 

P.P.P.S. I have a three shot for there anni, if you have time you should check that out.

P.P.P.P.S. It is basically about Kyuhyun having a crush on a girl that is obessed with

P.P.P.P.P.S. I know the first chapter isn't even up yet but I've been studying and my internet is crappy :P

P.P.P.P.P.P.S. I'll try my best it's written but it needs major edits

P.P.P.P.P.P.P.S. It takes longer for me to edit then actually type the story out.  


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