SACB - New Boy Group || Application || DeCosta Min Jun || Complete

Username: mist07859

What can I call you?: Luka


Your Character

DeCosta 'Niro' Min Jun

MiJu (by close friends) | Copycat (by T.O.P) | Lee Minho/Niro (by friends)

Age - 20

Birthday - 11/16/1992

Enthicity - Korean-Italian

Languages - Italian-Native, Korean-Fluent, English-Learning

Birthplace - Rome, Italy



Background - Niro was born to a full Korean mother and a Korean-Italian father in Italy. He was an only child and grew up in a normal household. In the beginning his family had a hard time financially and since they had no other close family members Niro was put into foster care at the age of 3. This is when he met Phillip but Phillip got adopted before Niro. His time there was not horrible but it wasn't that good either. He actually had a hard time being adopted. He was in the orphanage until they moved him to South Korea at the age of 6. He was confused, lost, and scared. He hardly knew the language and had an even harder time with the person in charge. She had an obsession with him and he would avoid her whenever he could. He even ran away from that orphanage. When he was six he was found by Eunhyuk in a park. Niro wouldn’t talk to him but Eunhyuk didn’t care. Niro was able to stay with Eunhyuk’s family and they even taught him some Korean until they found another orphanage to put him in. On their last day together Eunhyuk gave him a stuffed dog with a ribbon, that he always carries with him.

               While in the new orphanage Niro would sneak out and watch street dancer and street performers. He spend the time that he wasn’t in school, copying and watching the things he heard and saw. Eventually at the age of 8 he was adopted by the Park family. He grew up normally with them. His adopted mother even taught him what he needed to know before sending him to school at the age of 10. Niro grew attached to their daughter but that was the only person. He guarded himself but not completely. His adopted parents even encouraged his performing talents and took him to classes. At the age of 12 he auditioned for a Performing Arts Academy and was accepted to go to the main school in Italy. He went their and lived their until he graduated early. At the school he ran into Phillip and they became closer. Niro was able to step out of his shell and even ventured to make friends on his own. After Niro graduated he went back to South Korean and started going to a normal school.

                Phillip even followed and the two became inseperable. They even formed a crew that spent their free time doing covers for Big Bang since that was the group that they all liked. Niro chose to cover his bias and had to rapping skills to do it. While the videos were posted on the internet Niro came into contact with his birth mother. He acknowledges her but he would rather stay with his family and she accepted it. But she was trying to get custody of him when he was underage and a trainee. At the age 17 Niro graduated high school and thought it was time for him to branch out. He was not far from home and he even convinced his aunt to let him work in her club. He saved up enough money to get a new apartment but thought it would be a waste of money so he gave it to his family and his sister. He still works at the club and lives his life happily.


 Personality:      Niro is the type of person that can make anyone laugh when he puts his mind to it. Despite the way he grew up he is still a little ignorant of the world and the maliciousness in it. Niro is not gullible but he likes to put on the act to make things easier for him. He is a very easy-going person and not much bothers him. He has a jealous side to him but since he doesn’t connect with everyone it hardly comes out. He is able to have many friends but they hardly go past the friend level. He is open-minded but is completely naive when is comes to his feelings about people. He doesn’t have a lot of experiences when it comes to feelings especially like love. He knows love for family and pets but not towards a person unconditionally. He tries to see the world in a positive way. 

                     He has a hard time meaning no. If someone asks him to do something he would play difficult and tell them no but would turn around and do what they needed him to. He lives off of music and uses it to tell people how he feels. Niro is loyal, naive, friendly, secretive, indecisive, a little psycho, and cute. He likes to be surrounded by people that he likes but has no problem being on his own. He like skinship because to him it is solid proof that that person is their. When is he angry he doesn’t think. He says a lot of words he doesn’t mean and it can sometimes makes the arguments worse. He is very rough and cold. 

               He is the type of person to try many different things because he thinks it makes him a well-rounded person. He can try one activity and once he gets the hang of it he moves on to the next and repeats the cycle. Niro is a lovable person that is hard to know on a personal level. His attitude only completey shanges when he works at his aunt's club. He only becomes more confident, sarcastic, and aloof to make sure that he can stand up for himself but it takes a lot out of him so he is only that way to the drunks who can't take a hint.




  • The sand in between his toes
  • His computer/ipod
  • Animals
  • the color blue
  • Vanilla and Oreo Ice Cream
  • Cards
  • Anime


  • Western Movies
  • Cotton Candy
  • Coffee
  • People who can't take a hint
  • Waking up early
  • Being forced to do things


  • Playing the cello
  • Soccer
  • Playing on his computer
  • Messing with his sister
  • Helping his father in the shop
  • Taking care of his pets


  • Carrying around a book so he doen't forget his thoughtd
  • Ruffling  his hair when he is frustrated
  • Sleeping with his dog
  • Laughing at everything when he is really tired
  • Breaking out in dance


  • Can do card tricks
  • Trained to be an archer
  • Has a movie collection
  • He was adopted
  • Took fencing classes
  • Known Eunhyuk at the age of 8 but moved
  • Was a part of a group that covered BigBang, he had T.O.P
  • Works at his Aunt's club as a bartender
  • Has a converse collection
  • Obssesed with the color blue
  • Is a movie buff



Ulzzang Name: Kim Min Jun

Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Back Up Ulzzang Name: Dae Hwan

Links: 1 | 2 | 3



Family -

 Mother - Kim Min Hee - 42 - Flower shop owner - alive - they are not that close but she still loves her son

Father - DeCosta Liam - 44 - Architect - dead - they were close

Adopted Mother - Park Eun Mi - 38 - Linguist Professor - alive - they are close, he loves her strongly

Adopted Father - Park Tae Young - 41 - Mechanic - alive - Niro admires him and he understands Niro

Adopted Sister - Kim Kira - 16 - Student - alive - He cherishes her but shows it through annoying her

Pet - Hiro - 8 years old - Dog/Malumute - childhood pet, grew up with him

Pet - Shadow - 6 years old - Snake


  • Eunhyuk - Super Junior - Friends. Eunhyuk is Niro's favorite Hyung and Eunhyuk triess to get Niro to trust people more.
  • T.O.P - Big Bang - Close Friends. Niro finds T.O.P funny and is able to be comfortable with him despite the age difference. He also looks up to T.O.P.
  • Wu Phillip - Dancer/Photographer - Childhood/Best Friend. He protects Niro but he also tries to let him grow up. He was the first person to Niro that he looks like Lee Minho. Niro and Phillip are practically brothers. Niro is very protective of Phillip.

Love Interest One - Hyunseung - Beast/B2ST - Niro has a hard time connecting with Hyunseung since they hardly know one another. They have a mild love-hate relationship since Hyunseung's actions for some reason irks Niro's nerves. He likes Hyunseung but is apprehensive about his feelings.

Love Interest Two - Cho Kyuhyun - Super Junior - Niro and Kyuhyun are on an awkward level since Niro is too dense to see the signs that Kyuhyun gives him. He also doesn't know Kyuhyun well despite having Eunhyuk as a friend. Kyuhyun tries to get him to use informal language but Niro feels awkward about it. Kyuhyun also teases Niro alot but Niro is able to back but he has yet to win against Kyuhyun.


Do you want a love triangle?



- Position -

-Lead Vocal

-Main Vocal

-Lead Rapper

-Main Rapper

-Main Dancer






Do you want ?: Of course XD



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