Random thoughts while listening to Super Junior's Someday


Fans can battle and say that their idols are the best in terms of being an idol but I won’t argue that for Super Junior. Super Junior does not really represent music. They do not represent image and they do not represent the best. They are not even the typical idols.

But to me, they represent friendship in its truest form. Friendship with all its ugliness, downsides, rough patches, and tears. Friendship in all its beauty.

For friendship is not always about happy smiles. More often than not, friendship is the loud bang of a door being shut after a petty fight. Friendship is tears, insults, and harsh words over a boy/girl/bag/etc. Friendship is hanging up the phone because you’re tired of listening. Friendship is awkward silence after a joke that has been pushed too far. Friendship is fist fights and swearing and not talking to each other for weeks. Friendship hurts.

But more than that, friendship is also “sorry”, “I forgive you”, and “let’s stop this nonsense because I miss you”. Friendship is laughing at and laughing with. Friendship is hidden compliments and straightforward comments. Friendship is long distance telephone calls and random notes. Friendship is a tight hug, a shoulder to lean on, a lending ear. Friendship comforts.

Super Junior did not start as good friends. They did not get together because they want to. But as they went on, we see the bond that has formed between them. Some of them may not be as close to some as they are to another but as a whole, we see the friendship they’ve made among each other.

It is friendship; when one floats away and yet the others hold on. It is friendship, when space and time is an adversary and the whole world is pitting against you so you pretend to forget but deep inside, you will always remember. It is friendship, when you are shamed and ridiculed for staying with someone but you do not mind because that’s where you’re happy. It is when even if you are pushed away, even when people laugh at you for waiting for nothing, you still do; because that’s what friends do.

Friendship is being able to accept that your happy days now may only be painful memories later; and yet you hold on to them because they are beautiful. Because these are the memories which remind you that, at some part of your life, you have been very happy.

When people say that friendships last forever, they do not mean it to be consistent. You lose contact, you forget birthdays, you drift away. But you never fall apart. 

Friendship is when, after many years, when you even start to forget what each other looked like the last time you saw each other, you still find that spot in your heart that beats for the memories once shared. Memories that may not be remembered at all times but will never be forgotten.

Friendship is not always there but it lives to forever. Friendship is everlasting.



to my friends whom I miss a lot :')


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Beautifully written, unnie. Just so freaking beautiful <3
they are everlasting!! ^^
That's where Everlasting Friends come in! :)
Nicely written, Bam~
Thank you ;D
ps. you make me miss my friends, too..