"Fame, Love or Money? " Application

AFF username: ShinningStarx3


Character's name: Im Hye Ying


Age: 17 years old


Birthplace: Jeju Island, Korea



She have some weird personality. She can be happy at this second and the next second, she can be emotionless. When she is happy, she can be very crazy. Laughing around, joking around and playing with all of her friends. But sometimes, she always show her emotionless expression. She is not a very friendly girl and doesn't like people that act close with her when in fact they are not close. She have not much close friends but when she is close to them, she will do anything for them. She is a very straight forward girl. When she doesn't like you, she will show it out and never fake. That's why many people doesn't like her. When she feels that you're not a good person, she won't get close to you or when you get close to her, she won't bother you. When she is angry, she can be very scary. And if you have done something wrong to her, you must say sorry to her. If not, she won't ever talk to you until you apologize. She dare to love and dare to hate. When she feels that you're a right guy to love,she will shower you with all her love. But when she feels you doesn't deserve it, she would never ever start the relationship.


If you say any bad things behind her, she will definitely find you out and call you to say it in front of her. She doesn't like people backstabbing her, since she feels that it's a coward if they do it. She doesn't easily trust a person but she trust them, she will trust them fully. She likes to listen to her friends story. Sometimes, her friends will love to share their problems with her because she always have an idea to solve it. She very respect to the elders. Sometimes, she will show aegyo to her friends too. But it's rare. Super rare. Oh ya! She doesn't like to see some couple being cheesy and lovey-dovey in front of her. When she saw it at outside, she will obviously stare at them to make them feel awkward. It's a bad habit. She have a very good sense of direction. When she have been a place for once, she will immediately remembers the road. Her results in school is excellent. That makes people jealous and hate her more.


Backround: She was born in Jeju Island. When she was 3 years old, her parents brought her to Canada for a better living surrounding. She lived there for very long time until one day, her parents decide that she needs to go back to her Motherland so that she won't feel alien to her own country. Her father owns a boutique with her mother. When she moved back to Jeju Island, she lives with her grandparents. Luckily, she is not too dote by her parents. She still can live in simpler life. She loves singing and dancing. She have her own crew back in Canada. As she moved back to Korea, she feel quite lonely but she still practice her dances and singing. 



- Singing

- Dancing

- Fooling around with her friends

- Stuffed toys

- Stalking people

- Winter

- Desserts

- Snow



- Betrayer

- Dirtiness

- Brainless people

- People acting close with her

- Smokers

- Faker

- Haters

- Antis

- Cursing

- Swearing



- She loves to stalk at couples to make them feel awkward

- Never disturbs her when she is angry

- Loves to give people a deadly glare when they craps

- Puff her cheeks when she is bored

- Get crazy with friends when she is bored


Talent :

- Singing

- Dancing

- Rapping

- Acting

- Magic tricks

- Playing drums

- Acrobatics


Favorite girl group: Miss A


Favorite boygroup: MBLAQ


What do they look for in a boy/girl: First of all is her feeling towards them. They need to give her a security feel. They need to be caring and able to control her. Someone who can make her eyes see only them. They don't need to be too sticky to her but at least a message a day. She needs a guy that can crazy with her, cry with her, laugh with her and be good to her. A guy that can introduce her to his friends openly as his girlfriend.


Ulzzang name: Kim Seul Mi


Ulzzang Link: http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_le594juGOS1qbu1tso1_400.jpg



Back up Ulzzang: Park Ji Eun


Back up Ulzzang Link: http://i1218.photobucket.com/albums/dd415/shiinningstar/jieun08.jpg



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