It to like a guy but it more when...

Its 1:30am, i am in my bed, on my ipod and i have athing going on my mind right now... And its bothering me very much. As the title says, i like a guy and it because i dont know if he likes me back or not and it even more when my friend likes him as well!!!!! Btw eventhough i kinda feel frustrated, i am not writing in a loud tone... I am writing in a calme tone actually. Like i said before, i like a senior or aka sunbae from my school. I've liked him for a while now... And i dont kno if he feels the same way as me. But thats not the problem. The problem is that an older friend of mine or aka unni likes him as well. And everyone knows that unni likes him, including him. But no one, except one of my other friend, know that i like him. And because of that i have encountered the female dog called 'jealousy' so many times. Like once while we were playing truth or dare... She was dared to slow dance with... Lucky her... And all i could do was to sit at the corner giving fake smiles and laughs. Its not that i dont like her. I like her.. She is a very good and loyal friend. But i envy her... But again they are not dating... Thanks if you read that....and like you guys to give me tips on how to reduce my jealousy or like..erm.... Do something abt this... And i want to know if i am only one who is in this kind of situation...,


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Are you even close to this senior / crush? The guy and your friend are not dating, but she likes him and he knows it. The guy hate commitment. Move on, busy yourself with something. Join clubs, do honework, look for part time job, focus on your writing, basically keep yourself busy. When you're busy, you won't even have time too think of the matters of the heart.