Vega Application

     Vega Application      


    It’s Personal

            Username: Strawberry_love

            Link: One link for you~

            What can I call you?: Momoko

            Activity [On a scale of 1-10]: 9...unless I'm stuck on hiatus


    My Identity. Who am I?

            Name: Yong Seul Ki (Yamazaki Miku - Japanese name)

Nickname: The Energy Bubble

Stage Name: Miku

            Birthday: 18 January 1995

            Age: 17 years old

            Birth town: Tokyo, Japan

            Hometown: Sometimes America, sometimes Japan

Ethnicity: Half Korean and Half Japanese

            Height: 163cm

            Weight: 47kg

            Personality: Seul Ki is practically the definition of a serious otaku. Anime loving,  computer-game addict, sport's player are just some of the ideal descriptions for Seul Ki. As her parents both worked in two major companies for technology and computer graphics (Apple and Square Enix), Seul Ki was obsessed with it from a very young age. She used to have these phases of addiction to a computer game like Final Fantasy where she would stay up for days on end to try and complete it. She used to spend a lot of her money on manga's, merchandise and soundtracks until she had passed her phase. A lot of people used to say that she just lazy and obsessed, but Seul Ki just said that her fandom just proved she was determind to finish things and do things well...and yeah slightly obsessed too.

Seul Ki is quite a bit of a daydreamer too. Because she read so many cute manga's and played so many fantasy games, she ended up daydreaming about them and wondering what her life would be like if she had the same skills as the characters she read about. She really likes to roleplay and has habits of shouting out quotes from games or pretending that she was going to be the head ninja of her leaf tribe (Yup she was obsessed with Naruto ^^). She really wanted a cool and cute boyfriend like from a manga, but because of this, she never seemed to find anyone to fit her ideal type description so she has completely zero experiance in love at all.

Even though her life seemed to be based inside, she was and still is a very sporty and energetic person. She spent a lot of her school days trying to convince the sports teams to let her on, but without much luck. She is a basketball ace and can often score a goal from the three-point line. But she sometimes spent too much time trying to perfect her skills. Seul Ki loves running, sports, fighting and dancing. Seul Ki used to spend all her time trying to avoid doing things that made her come across as girly, so it surprised many people when she said she wanted to start dancing. She was given the nickname 'The Energy Bubble' because she was always running, skipping and dancing. She never seemed to lose her energy. Seul Ki could become really competitve too. Sometimes, it was a good thing because it ment she tried hard to play her best every time but it was a bad thing as well because it ment she stopped trying to be good at other things.

Yeah Seul Ki loved to dance. It was a good stress relief for her when she was having difficulty with something. But because Seul Ki always set her standards and expectations so high, she got really annoyed with the school dance class because she felt it was too 'amature'. In game's terms...she felt like a master mage stuck at novice level. So within a few weeks she had quit the dance club and started dancing on her own. She learnt choreography's from music video's and mastered them before she started making her own one's up. When she first started learning offical dances, she mainly focused on J-pop ones, seeing as she mainly lived in Japan. Too be honest, a lot of time, Japanese girls didn't like K-pop that much, so Seul Ki didn't really listen to it either. She was obsessed with Visual Kei bands and boygroup's from a Japanese entertainment company called Johnny's Junior's, but as she for looked for better dances, she realised that the K-pop ones where much better and she learnt them too.

Seul Ki is also quite creative and artistic. Her parent's taught her how to use computer to create animations and music. After that she started making her own little computer games and animes. Seul Ki likes drawing her own characters ond posters to decorate her room and class jotters, which she could get into a lot of trouble for. She liked to make melodies and songs, but her lyrics weren't as good as her dance routines so she mainly focused on dancing. Seul Ki felt as though her lyrics where bad because she didn't have much experience with a large variety of emotions, which is something you don't need as much of for dancing. It's not that Seul Ki is emotionless or cold hearted, it's just that she never had a reason to be really sad or angry or in love. She was mainly happy and sometimes competitive.

When it come's to Seul Ki's emotions, it can be a very controversial topic. Some people would day that Seul Ki is just putting on an act and that their is more to her then meets the eyes. Other people would say she is an aegyo queen at the same time, others will say she is an ice queen who purposefully ignores the feelings of others. But the truth is, Seul Ki is just Seul Ki. Like what was mentioned before, Seul Ki doesn't have experiance with a big variety of emotions. She spend a lot of time blocking out negative emotions as a child, as she moved between America and Japan and often had to leave friends and neighbours behind her. But that doesn't mean she no longer get's sad, because she does, when a story line is sad in a manga or a character dies in a computer game, but this stuff doesn't really happen to her in real life so their is no reason for her to be sad. She get's angry when people upset her family of friends and when she loses a contest but she's never sad for long, her emotions are quite repetitive and simple. There is never really anything complicated like jealousy unless someone has something she wants, but she could usually just go buy it herself.

Another thing about Seul Ki is that she is quite immature and slightly innocent in a way. She thinks of things like a child and sometimes she can't notice very obvious things like people's feelings for each other of her feelings for someone. She treats the people close to her like friends or family, so that's one of the reason's no boy has been able to get her even if they didn have feelings for her. She automatically friend-zones everyone she likes. Seul Ki acts like a kid sometimes and she says really random things, but this is only really when she eat's a lot of candy or drinks a lot of coffee, which she does when she is in otaku mode. Seul Ki is really gullable and is easily tricked into doing things or going with people she shouldn't be so she spent a lot of time being protected by her brother when she was very young.

So yeah, Seul Ki an immature, otaku with a variety of talents and a childish outlook on life.



* Dancing

* Music

* Computer games

* Animes

* Mangas

* Basketball

* Football

* Tennis

* Skateboarders

* Totoro

* Coffee houses

* Music Videos

* Cool Dances

* Cute Couples

* Dramas

* Movies

* RPG's

* Arcade games

* Apple products

* Final Fantasy

* Naruto

* Her Family and Friends

* Visual Kei bands

* Lotte World

* Tokyo

* Seoul

* California

* Beaches

* Photography

* Cosplay

* Guitars

* Soundtracks


* People who upset her family

* People who upset her friends

* Player

* Idiots

* Annoying people

* Maths

* People worrying about her

* Bullies

* People who judge her before they get to know her

* Pain

* Insects with tiny bodies and rea-a-a-al-l-l-ly long legs

* Giving up

* Quitting

* Borrowing money from people


* Dancing

* Writing music (badly)

* Playing computer games

* Watching animes

* Drawing manga's

* Cooking

* Singing

* Rapping

* Playing Hide and Seek

* Playing Sports


* Mumbling nonsence when she's tired

* Scratching her head when she's thinking too much

* Jumping up and down when she regrets something

* Changing her mind constently

* Playing tricks on people who annoy her

* Drinking apple tea when she gets out of the shower

* Moving her face when she is getting make-up put on


* Seul Ki's blood type is O

* She is allergic to Strawberry Milk

* She has many cuddly toys that she need to have or she can't sleep

* Seul Ki is a big fan of DB5K

* She doesn't like to go out without her headphones

* Seul Ki's brother gave her a blue Nintendo DS and she takes it with her everywhere she goes

* Her favourite colours are Blue and Purple

* Her favourite food is Chicken, Sushi and Cake

* She likes to drink Coffee and apple tea

* Her favourite computer games include; Final Fantasy 5, 7, 7 Advent children, 13 and 13 Verses (Which isn't out yet), Blue Dragon, Soulcalibar, Sonic, Skyrim and many others.

* Seul Ki often got to test computer games that Square Enix where bringing out

* In the Soulcalibur championship, Seul Ki came first for Soulcalibur 3 and 4 but she came second in Soulcalibur 5

* She really wants a cute romance like in a Shoujo manga

* Seul Ki thinks she would be a really cute boy

* Her ideal type is a cool and cute guy with a loving and caring personality

* She has many phrases such as; "Why join in if you won't try your best?" "Follow your heart. It always has the best ideas!" and "If you can see your failure you have two options. 1) RUN AWAY! or 2) Fail with style!"

            Languages: Fluent Korean || Fluent Japanese || Conversational English

Ulzzang: Kim Da Hyun || One || Two || Three || Four || Five || Six || Seven

Back-up Ulzzang: Kim Jee In || One || Two || Three || Four || Five


    …My History. It shapes who I am.

            Background: Seul Ki was born in Japan and she grew up there with her dad, mum and older brother Daeho. Both her parents where graphic designers for the computer game company Square Enix who created the Final Fantasy games. As Seul Ki grew up there, she didn't have much influence of Kpop so of course she grew up with a love for Jpop and Jrock.  Sometimes she went to Korea to visit her grandparents but apart from that, she never spent much time in Korea. Her primary school days had started of pretty carefree. She was the kind of person who got on well with everyone so she had many friends. She was quite talented at arts and things like that.

When Apple started, Seul Ki's mum applied for a job there as a designer as she though that would be better for the family. So Seul Ki's mum moved to California and Seul Ki went with her for a while, but she didn't like being away from her brother and dad, so she moved back to Tokyo while her mum stayed in California, unfortunaltly, now the family was split far apart. Seul Ki didn't like her family being apart as she missed her mum when she was with her dad and vise versa. So she moved a lot between Tokyo and California.

Then things got worse for her as her brother applied for a private school in Seoul meaning that she wouldn't be able to see him either. So now her family where split across three different countries and she was trying to see them all. Seul Ki tried not to mind too much but she never got to really make any good friends. She spent most of her time in Japan with her dad, who spoke Korean with her at home, so Seul Ki learnt to speak Korean fluently with him. It was soon after that when Seul Ki found Kpop and enjoyed it more and was thinking of ways she could move to Korea as she saw her brother less and less.

But despite her split family, she still had many good memories with all of them. Like when her and her mum decorated her apartment in California. Seul Ki had painted a Anime girl with sakura blossoms falling around on one whole wall. They had ate a lot of sushi that day. Another time with her Dad they had created a computer program and made four dancing idols. They gave them different clothes and even made them sing after auto-tuning her and her dads voice to make them sound different. And the dance was not bad for a Co-Ed group that looked like blocky versions of Vocaloids. With her brother, they had gone out to lotte world and spent the whole day racing people to the queues and eating so much junk food they where feeling sick on the way home and ended up sleeping in the livingroom of their grandparents house.


Yong Youngmin | 46 years old | Graphic designer for Square Enix | Father | Youngmin is a pretty relaxed parent. He let's Seul Ki do what she wants within reason because he always feels that a mind works best when it's free | They have a very caring relationship and they always have good conversations together while they eat of play computer games.

Yamazaki Akane | 44 years old | Designer for Apple Products | Mother | Akane is also a pretty fun parent. She acts more like Seul Ki's older sister and talks to her about fashion. She is often pestering Seul Ki to try and get a boyfriend | They have a relationship more suited to sisters. They fangirl about flower boys in dramas and cute clothes they see on models or in shops. They draw and paint together.

Yong Daeho | 21 years old | University Student | Brother | Daeho is pretty relaxed like his father. He works hard because he wants to do well with his life. |Daeho always has good idea's and knows very fun things to do but he still tells Seul Ki that is was a better idea for her to study hard.

            Best Friend: 

Oh Sehun | 18 years old | Member of EXO-K | Sehun is really quite shy but when you get to know him he is really good fun to be with and can be quite hyper. | Sehun and Seul Ki are the 'Secret Service, SS, Sehun and Seul Ki' apparently, according to themselves and they always mess around pretending to be spy's or ninja's. | Seul Ki had got lost and she was running around with her hands in a gun shape trying to find her way. Sehun had also got lost and was doing a similar thing. They crashed into each other and Sehun suddenly became really shy and Seul Ki told him of for being shy when she had just seen him pretending to be a spy. Sehun liked Seul Ki because they where quite similar when it came to hobbies and they started getting along.


Shin Dongho | 18 years old | Member of U-Kiss | Dongho tries to act cool but he actually has a really dorky personality which he tries to hide without much success| Dongho and Seul Ki feel comfortable together because they feel like they don't need to hide their true personalities. | They met when they had both been looking for a computer game and they started arguing about which Final Fanasy game was better for fun and ended up becoming good friends.

Choi Hana (OC) | 17 years old | High School student | Hana is a really quiet kind of girl who gets on with many people. She is really cute and almost the opposite to Seul Ki. Seul Ki is loud and immature and Hana is quiet and mature. | Seul Ki and Hana acted like sisters. They don't fangirl like Seul Ki and her mum do but Hana helps Seul Ki out with her studies and they both bake together. Seul Ki's cakes are usually sweet and funny looking while Hana's are pretty and proffesional tasting. Hana is the kind of girl who is good at everything.| Hana had been looking for a quiet place to study as her house was being redecorated and Seul Ki had seen her looking lost. Seul Ki recommended a quiet coffee house and then they started meeting up their several times.


Kim HyunA | 20 years old | Member of 4Minute | HyunA is quite nice to her friends and acts nice to others if important people are nearby but she can be really y to people as well if there is no reason for her to be nice to them. | HyunA tries to show of in front of Seul Ki to show her that she is best, but Seul Ki tries to ignore HyunA to make her feel like she's not and she doesn't care about her at all. | They both felt rivaled by each other. Seul Ki's dancing was better then HyunA's but their rapping level is the same. HyunA felt rivaled by Seul Ki because her dancing was better and Seul Ki felt rivaled by HyunA because she was a triple threat and could sing better then Seul Ki even though her voice was annoying.


    ...My Love. The feeling is indescribable.

            Lover: JB (Im Jae Bum) | 18 years old | Member of JJ Project | JB is immature like Seul Ki. He also messes around a lot and acts childish but he is very caring of him family and friends | Seul Ki likes being around JB a lot but because she doesn't quite understand what love is like, she just thinks that they should be good friends. JB knows that he likes Seul Ki and he understands that she doesn't understand love, but this made him quite sad because he felt he was stuck in a one-sided love. His friends and her friends could see what was going on, but they could also tell that Seul Ki liked JB, even if she didn't know it yet and they told JB to keep waiting because she would understand her feelings sooner or later | Seul Ki and JB had both been on a tour bus on a rainy day just to relax for a while. Seul Ki had packed a bento box full of chicken and sushi and JB had been planning to buy snacks when the bus stopped for a lunch break. But it was raining outside and even though everyone else apart from Seul Ki got off the buss, JB didn't want to get wet, so stayed on the bus. Seul Ki asked him why he wasn't buying food and when he explained, she offered him some of hers. They sat together for the rest of the bus tour and then somehow, JB found Seul Ki two days later and they started to become close.

            Back-Up Lover: Hwang Minhyun | 17 years old | Member of NU'EST | Basiclly, he's a conservative guy with a sharp and intellectual charm. But he still seems be really cute no matter how mature he tries to be. | Same as above | Same as above

            What kind of relationship is it?: For JB, he really loves Seul Ki and he tries his best to show it but she is so naive she can't see it...yet. For Seul Ki they are just friends but she has a different feeling for JB then she has for Sehun and she knows it. She knows she prefers being with JB most but she doesn't know why...yet. So currently it's one sided.


    …My Group. How do I fit in?


            Main Vocal/ Composer

            Main Rapper/ Sub-Vocal

                        Lead Dancer/ Lead-Rapper

                        Main Dancer/ Choreographer/ Sub-Rapper

                        Lead Vocal/ Sub-Dancer

            Back-Up Position:

            Main Vocal/ Composer

            Main Rapper/ Sub-Vocal

                        Lead Dancer/ Lead Rapper

                        Main Dancer/ Choreographer/ Sub-Rapper

                        Lead Vocal/ Sub-Dancer


    …My Life as a Trainee.

            Years as a Trainee: 4 years

            How was it?: Seul Ki found the trainee life fun but difficult. She felt as though she wasn't as good as the others, so she had to work twice as hard to prove herself to the others. She realised that it was better to have friends then enemies in this place so she made sure to get on well with others. She didn't like having to do the things she was no good at like singing but she kept practsing and got better at it eventually.

            How did you get in?: When Seul Ki was on one of her trips to see her brother in Seoul, she admitted that she wanted to find a way to stay in Seoul with him, but her grades at school where probably not going to get her into a private school and Daeho suggested that she audition for a Entertainment company since her dancing was 'not bad'. So Seul Ki remembered that one of her favourite bands BIGBANG where really popular and that they where from YG. She also knew that YG had a good reputation so she went for and audition. They said that her dancing was great and her rapping was good but her singing needed some work and that they could help with that, so she became a trainee.

            Relationship with other YG Artists: Seul Ki really admires her sunbae's. She loves watching them training especially BIGBANG and 2NE1 because she feels they are so talented. But she feels as though she is not really good enough to consider them as friends yet and she tried to avoid talking with them because after all she is only a rookie and they are like games terms, the are the mage masters and she is still a novice. She doesn't even consider herself good enough to be in the same room as them for a long period of time. It might seem weird but since she was raised in Japan, she always shows respect for people older then her and a good way for her to show respect is to be super polite and stay out of her way. That's how it worked in Japan anyway. Seul Ki becomes really embrassed when she has to talk with them and she can go from shouting at another trainee down the corridor, to being really shy and excusing herself from the room whenever a sunbae group walk in.


    …The Fans. I wouldn’t be here without them.

            Personal Fan Club Name: Ace Supporter

            Fan Club Colors: Blue and Orange

            Persona: The Otaku Ace

            Should Vega’s Fanclub be Starlights or Shooting Stars?: Starlights


    …Miscellaneous. I don’t really know where to put this.

            Comments/ Questions: Again...this looks so pro

            Anything I missed?: -

            Password: Love oh Love by Davichi (I was listening to the songs for the album)


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