I need HELP!

Guise...... uhh... soo My English class has a event called " Writing Contest" and well... I need Ideas for a fictional maybe alternate Universe story... any ideas?? So far I am thinking of using my story and making it into a oneshot... the story I'm thinking of is "Catching the Yeouiju" the one with Kris, but I'm not sure if my O/C girl is gonna have to go by an English name or if she can go with a Korean name... but I don't want to make it a oneshot... I want it to be maybe a short story (3-5 chapters) But hmm I don't want to reveal my story, just in case someone at school claims it!!!! ARGHHH GUISE!! PLEASE HELP ME WITH IDEAS! COMMENT THEM!!!

My Ideas so far



TT.TT Help me!!!! Just list ideas!! ANything a one word something!!!


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I guess the girl should hve an english name :D tht sounds more awesome ! I guess so
use a name that sound korean too like HaNa, MiRa..