sum-up of Alex


personality: silly, clueless, outgoing. scolds himself out loud if he thinks any negative thoughts. likes to make others happy. enjoys entertaining people and make them laugh by acting ridiculous and also has a tendency to laugh at his own jokes even when no one else finds them funny. is never nervous, so he has no trouble with being on stage and singing in front of people. loves randomly bursting into song. also loves interacting with fans via twitter and youtube. hates talking about his personal life.

dislikes: bugs, being negative, dirty or unsanitary things, dry skin, rainy weather, being sick, alcohol, his parents, being forced into anything, horror movies, liars, thunderstorms, people calling him his real name (Shinwoo)

likes: petite animals like his dog Jack, surprises, food, cleaning, smiles, crime shows, music, lotion, comedy movies

hobbies: making people laugh/smile, singing, eating foreign food, being random, acting overly dramatic, composing music, speaking english, playing his guitar (named Mickey), naming inanimate objects, photography

habits: randomly bursting into song (even if he interrupts someone who's talking), flipping his hair, making faces when nervous, cracking jokes at inappropriate times, speaking in english (especially when annoyed, so people won't understand him), saying ouch whenever someone bumps into an inanimate object or sorry whenever he is the one who bumped into it

phobias: spiders, needles, hearing someone talk about pain, extremely high pitched noises

background: didn't get along with parents, since they wanted him to be a lawyer or something respectable but he wanted to be a singer.


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