A-Prime Application ~ Adrian Lee

baby just call me {Adrian Lee}.


username: JoJoefan
preferred name: Jassy ;D
character name: Akira Lee
nickname(s): Aki(short for Akira)
d.o.b:  March 14,1995
birthplace: Baudette,Minnesota,USA
hometown: Busan,South Korea
ethnicity: Korean/American/Chinese
languages: Fluent English,Fluent Korean,Basic Chinese
weight: 63kg
appearance: Lee Nam Soo
back up: Song Chan Ho
personal style: Akira likes to wear anything comfortable and rather dressy.He really likes to wear hoodies,cardigans,and graphic tee shirts alot. Aside from that he wears skinny jeans,well any kind of jeans that feel right to wear.
-Casual {1} , {2} , {3} , {4}
-Formal {1} , {2} , {3} , {4}
-Practice {1} , {2} , {3} , {4}
-Swimming {1} , {2}
-Childhood: {1} , {2} , {3} , {4} , {5} 
-Etc {1} , {2} , {3} , {4} ,{5}
background: Akira Lee was born at Baudette,Minnesota in the USA. While living there,he attend a Private Music School,since his family is known for their classical music background. At the music school,he learned to play the violin,flute,piano,cello,and viola. He was also in choir. He was known as a prodigy at the school,for the youngest known student to learn multiple instruments at such a short time. After living in Minnesota until he was 8, his mother and father decided to move back to Busan,South Korea,to inherit the school establish by their ancestors.
In Korea, Akira was pushed into working harder,and studying harder,so when he gets older he inherits the school also.
After awhile,Akira grew tired of it and tried to commit suicide from all the pressure bestowed upon it.
He failed of course,but while he was unconscious, a voice told him that his biggest hate(music) would lead him away from his torture. When he woke up,a sweet singing voice was the first thing heard.
Outside the hospital,was a concert held by a soloist singer.
That where new hope arose in him.
In the name of the moon,I shall punish-Oh wait..wrong person.Anyways..Akira was raised up in a strict enviroment,and...Unexpectly,he didn't become a cold person.He's a nice, caring guy. The first time you meet him,he's a warm person and a friendly aura is always with him.His smile on his face rarely disappears. But when it does.. BEWARE..Akira can be somewhat be depressed at time,and has problems communicating his feeling. But aside from all that he's easy to handle and be with. His can be shy at times,and is easily embarressed. But when he's determined to do something, HE WILL DO IT!
-Anything related to blue
-Edit Programs

-Pink colors
-Unclean people
-Fast Food
-Bad Cameras
-Hello Kitty
-Watch movies
-Watch parody videos
Angry-Throws things around
Sad-Stays quiet
Happy-Smiles alot
Tired-Washes face frequently
Fustrated- Cries
Depressed-Stays in bed all day,listens to sad music,and stays extremely quiet
-When Akira was 5, he got kissed by a noona 2yrs older than him
-Akira likes animals very much
-His favorite planet is Neptune because it's blue
-He once went to a candy store,and bought one of every blue candy
-His laptop/mouse/headphones are blue
-He uses the colone "Eternity"
-He tried smoking when he was 9,and nearly choked to death
-He uses ebay alot
-He almost got kidnapped when he was 6 by an older lady since he was really cute
-His favorite male groups are: Super Junior/B.A.P/TVXQ/Ukiss/ & MBLAQ
-His favorite female groups are: Sistar,F(x),Secret,After School, & SNSD
-Allergic to pickles
-Favorite dessert is: Fruit Tart
-Older ladies
-Ticking things (he thinks they're bombs..ever since he saw a bomb movie xD)
-Scary noonas
-Green jelly stuff
-Eye Glassed Dolls
-Sailor Moon (JUST KIDDING!!)

Kim Eujin » 39,Strict well educated mom who only wants the best for her child/At times can be really sweet and loving, teacher at her husband's private school, alive
Lee Chinho»43, Strict,hardworking,and a pressure giver(giving pressure),a natural born leader, Headmaster at a Private School(and owner), alive
bestfriend: (1-2.)
Model »Lee Dong Hoon, 17, Easy-going/Hardworker/Cheerful/,At school when they had to partner up for class project and they figured out they had many things in common)
friends: (1-5. same format as ^)
Lead Dancer/Rapper/Sub-Vocal/Makane of EXO-K »Oh Sehun ,17 ,Cheerful/Happy type/Determined/Hyper, At a dance party battle..thing..They had a dance off and of course Sehun won)
Vocalist of F.CUZ» Kim Daegun, 18, Cold/Heartless/Rude/, At a concert wanting to get the last ticket. In the end both of them didn't get it,but they got to understand each other)
Sub-Vocal/Main Dancer of B.A.P » Moon Jongup, 17, Smiley/Active/Awkward, At their concert,Zelo accidentally dropped food on Akira,and Jongup was quickest to help him. They invited him to eat as an apology and they grew fond of each other)
rival: NONE
trainee background: After deciding that music was what he wanted to follow, he practiced hard to become a better singer and dancer. He secretly entered a dance school,since he knew his parents would oppose his choice. After a few months of training,he quit. He auditioned everywhere,but all of them rejected him. Finally he got to his last choice. DAYZ Entertainment. He auditioned...and to his surprise,they accepted him. 
stage name: Adrian Lee (because that was his english name in the states)
position: Dancer/Lead Vocal
entertainment:DAYZ Entertainment
years of training: 3yrs 
a-prime: Prime
friends: Any type of person. Akira has a secret power(not really) that is able to break down barriers. He easily gets along with people who have a cheerful/hyper attitude. Lastly,he admires people who don't give up and follow their dreams.
not-friends: People who can't take care of themselve,and don't clean up after themselves.
love interest: (top 2 - does not have to be a celebrity)
Student »Ayame Kim, 16, Smart/Sweet/Caring/Mother-like, In America at school,they got assigned to be partner for a piano duet,after that they found out they like the same classical songs.)
Soloist Singer » Lee Jieun, 18,Happy/Cheerful/Nice/,After Akira woke up and heard a voice. He got up from the hospital bed and followed the angel's voice. It was a street concert of IU's. After her concert,he ran up to her,telling her that she saved his life with her beautiful voice. She smiled at him and left him alone.)
Ayame-Best friends

drama:Ayame lives in America,while Akira currently lives in Korea.
IU just sees Akira as a fan,and nothing more.
-Ayame meets Akira in Seoul,and she talks about how she's a trainee in TS Entertainment,and is going to debut soon.
-Akira invites Ayame out and gives her a preview of their debut song.

anything else:Oh yeah...Ayame kind of likes Akira...~
And thats all^^
comments:I hope you choose him~



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