hate that directioner

yeah... just got back from a charity expo.... A expo that use their money they have for OFCOURSE. [email protected] title is something with a directions..... urrrrrrrgh! you know why? of course not! its about my 6 year old directioner a.k.a show off niece.... at first ...when we entered that expo...we went to a shop that sells 1D bigbang SuJu and 2pm stuffs .....i was going cr@zy @nd that f***in directioner go crazy and bought the 1D stuffs.....i was like.... what the **** m@n?! th3 whole time at the expo and during we all otw -going to my home... th@t ***** niece of mine go SHOWOFF like f***kin showoff-i;g ...........i wish i can buy kpop stuffs...one that ill buy every STUFF of my favourite KPOP BANDS! im gonna kill that ****kin directioner! see ya! :)


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MIR_acle #1
hehehe,i know right? i really h@te her....it was only 1D stuffs...KPOP suffs are more Awesome than 1D stuffs...sorry for the bad words :-)
MIRaclebiased #2
Aww aint you nice xD but I would buy loads of kpop stuff too xD