I'm bored~ (OPEN anyone can reply to this post)

It was one interesting midnight. The leprechauns fell asleep from all the painstaking work they did to raise ranks. Changing ranks means you become a more experienced leprechaun camper. Also, the hat you are wearing will change into a different color every time you change ranks. It sounds a lot more easier than it is actually. You have to impress the leprechaun leaders, who have insanely high standards. But we'll have to explain it later and get to the point. Anyways, it was an interesting night, and everybody's asleep, except for this one little disobedient leprechauns. This leprechaun was a bit surprised that the masters or leaders were in deep sleep. He thought they would be staying up late, doing their jobs.

Siwon was in one of the most luxurious camps, sleeping. His expression was dreamy, which means he is sleeping well or had sweet dreams. His lips curled into a small smile, as he dreamed of his ex-boyfriend's sweet words. His deep, beautiful voice playing inside his head, just like his favorite ballad. Siwon could feel his heart thumping, and his cheeks getting warmer The dream felt like reality, a sweet and too-good-to-be-true reality. He thought it was really his boyfriend, whispering those three words in his ear, ' I love you, ' blowing hot air in his air.

Siwon slowly opened his right eye, making sure if it's really him, that one guy. Then he opened the other one. But unfortunately, he wasn't there. " Where are you? " he asked in a whisper. Unfortunately, he received no answer. He frowned and let out a deep sigh. " Where are you? " he asked the same exact question, this time in a much louder voice. Again, no answer. Siwon couldn't take it anymore. Why won't his former boyfriend answer his question? Is he even visible, or invisible? He can't tell if he is in a dream or a reality anymore.


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Jooyeon had trouble sleeping. She had to admit, it was one interesting and insane midnight. She could imagine herself smirking as she watched the leprechauns faint from all that tiring work. People always believed that Siwon and her have insanely high standards that people couldn't possibly reach, and she wanted to stay that way, forever. Jooyeon was tired of her goody-two shoes image that people give her. She couldn't help but cringe as she recalled people calling her cute, adorable, all that cutesy crap. Jooyeon's not that girl anymore. She should be called y, seductive, hot, beautiful, all the remaining words in the dictionaries that relate to that meaning. She keeps tossing and turning in her bed because she assumed that there was something under the bed.

Jooyeon grunted and sat up with her back straight, muttering curses under her breath, very annoyed and irritated because she couldn't sleep well. She ruffled her hair in frustration, and moved her hands away from her long and wavy, light brown hair as soon as she was fighting the urge to tear it out. Jooyeon looked around the room with half-closed eyes, not really sure with what she was trying to find. Then a deep, raspy voice spoke to her. " You don't belong here, Jooyeon. Siwon hates you. He pretended to be your friend. He's a liar, backstabber, player, and a total jackass. " Jooyeon jumped back slightly, startled by the voice. She didn't know how the voice suddenly came out of nowhere, and where it came from. Then she gaped, thinking about the rude things he said about her closest friend, Siwon.

" You know what, you're wrong total stranger. Siwon's my friend, and he'll never betray me, " she spoke in a loud and clear voice and disbelief clearly evident in her voice, standing up for herself. Then a smile pulled on the corners of her lips, feeling very elated and delighted, like she just accomplished something. Jooyeon walked out of her room, on her way to Siwon's cabin.