Yiruma's 'MAYBE,' My Own Lyrics

Jaiya here!! So, I dunno if you guys are into Yiruma but I have one thing I want to say about him.

Ech hem.


I love him. That is all.

Seriously, I was never one for classical music. I just liked listening to the violin (and that was even BEFORE Henry Lau, Aiko, so THERE.) and all else made me fall asleep on my face.

But Yiruma is different.

And therefore, I have a huge respect for him and his work and his songs remain forever in my heart...but let's not get too sappy. Aiko can play piano so she learns Yiruma songs and constantly surprises me with them...I gotta love her for that. The way she plays 'Moonlight' is just insane.


I wrote lyrics a while back to his song 'Maybe,' and wanted to share. But the words fit with the tune in a certain way, and because I can't show you all how to sing it while on Asianfanfics, I can definitely show you the lyrics and maybe give you a taste as to what story I felt the song was telling us as I listened to it.

So here they are.

By the way, do you know that the word for 'music' in Japanese is made with the symbols for 'sound' and 'enjoy'?

With that...enjoy. XD


Perhaps I should have listened

Regret’s now what I’m made of

A glowing flare within me

Is the remnant of our love


When you used to look at me

The world would seem so clear

Just the waves, the sea, the moon, and me

The stars would seem so near


Outside, I might seem strong

Yet within I cannot move on

You strain, reach out for my hand

And I am

Woken from my dream


Six years since you’ve said goodbye

My life is an endless sigh

I thought that this meant something,

We still have

So much to share


Lament past arguments

Did I mature according to plan?

I know we lost it all

And nothing ever lasts forever


All that I am left with here

A blank notebook, my empty car

Those waves, the sea, the moon, and me

The stars are growing far


All say I try too hard

It’s worth it if it’s you

And I cry

I, the one who should be

Protecting you

And the times you need me

I’ll be there

In one heartbeat


Please don’t tell me

You don’t need me

Still I mourn over roads not taken


Do you not know me well enough

To tell what I hold dear

The faces all around me were blurry

While you were crystal-clear





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Do you mind if I use your lyrics in a fic that I am making? I'll give you credit! The fic isn't started, because I have been lookin for the perfect english lyrics for this song and I found it!