Books, Books, Books, I've Read (I'm So Lame)

Lately, I've been reading a lot of books and by a lot. I mean, A LOT, of them since the school year started, I've read at least 3 books and now I'm on my way to reading at least 2 more. I'm planning to read 25 books by the end of the year, it may sound crazy but I can read books in less than 5 days. If I have a lot of homework, which is the main cause why I sometimes take too long ready a certain book, it will take me at least 2 weeks. So far, all the books I'm reading are about school life, death-fiction and romance. Mostly dead-fiction and school life but, ya' know what I mean!

I felt like recommending these three books to you all because of one reason, I think they are amazing and they will make you reflect and feel like you are the character in the story plus it includes things that might not even happen to us but could actually.


  • "Pink" by Lili Wilkinson
  • "Abandon" by Meg Cabot
  • "Before I Fall" by Lauren Oliver


Some of you might of read them, but I really, really, recommend them to most of you. Specially, if you are looking for something to entertain yourself with. You will get engrossed into the book, and won't be able to stop reading it till the very end.

While I was reading Pink, I felt like I was Ava, the main character. She goes through so much just to feel like she was in, like if she was accepted. I'm not going to reveal everything since I want you guys to read it.

Now, I only have one word for Abandon. Persephone, the story is so similar to the myth of Persephone that you'll really be into the book. Haha, i had to read it three times to actually get it but ya' know, if you are some perfect reading machine, who can actually get whatever is the point of the book. I'm glad. Also read Underworld, the sequel to this book! I haven't read it since I haven't been able to find it in any library so far and the book itself costs too much.(Exaggeration)

About Before I Fall, I finished reading this book last night. I got so engrossed into it that I almost didn't give my cousin, her dinner last night. Ahaha... yeah, I almost left the poor girl without food for a book.

I HOPE YOU GUYS READ THEM, DON'T DISAPPOINT ME!! THEY ARE REALLY GOOD! Plus anyways, you might even find them familiar to a fanfic you've read or something.


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For some reason, I've totally given up on reading Meg Cabot's books...there just isnt any...feels i have to it, lol.