totally 100% STILL AGAIN a DORKY!!!




the lyrics goes :


The saddest story in the world
Is the story of you leaving me
I can never escape it, I can’t block myself
From this magical energy called you
The saddest story in the world is our obvious story
I won’t stop, I only have you
Don’t say that you’re going to leave me
I won’t give up, I don’t understand you, I oppose
I will have you again, I will risk everything for you
After you left, I threw away happiness
It’s the saddest song about the story of you leaving me
Still again still again still again still again still again still again
What are you talking about? You can’t ever leave me
Still again still again still again still again still again still again
From this magical energy called you
From this magical energy called you
The saddest story in the world is our obvious story
I won’t stop, I only have you
Don’t say that you’re going to leave me
I won’t give up, I don’t understand you, I oppose
I will have you again, I will risk everything for you
After you left, I threw away happiness
It’s the saddest song about the story of you leaving me
Still again still again still again still again still again still again
What are you talking about? You can’t ever leave me
Still again still again still again still again still again still again
I’m always by your side, I’m your soul
A soul who can’t do anything without you
You you can I leave away – so you can’t leave me
It’s the saddest song about the story of you leaving me
Still again still again still again still again still again still again
What are you talking about? You can’t ever leave me
Still again still again still again still again still again still again

it's a heartbroken song, but the video?? gosh they such a dorky!!! i can't take it... can't stop laughing from stat till the end...

The members of 100% themselves participated in the production of the “Still Again” music video. The MV tells the story of six schoolboys trying to seduce a girl, played by Hyukjin, with a strong personality. In the credits, Jonghwan is listed as director, Minwoo as assistant director, Chanyong and Sanghoon as writers, while Changbum and Rokhyun are credited as stylists.


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yeah i saw them filming this on tv. IT WAS SO CUTE!yeah and like changbum and rockhyun were putting makeup on hyukjin and they got lipstick on his teeth and he kept complaining. i love this video :)
I love this side of them!!!!!!! :D