Ghost Whisperers Application



Username:  ShinningStarx3

Profile Link:


Name: Kim Rainee

Nickname (optional): Rainee

Birthday (month-date-year): 06/06/1993

Birthplace: Korea

Height: 172 CM

Weight: 46 KG

Blood Type (optional): B

Ethnicity:(must be asian or part asian at least) : Full Korean

Languages (4+): Korean, English, French, German, Mandarin, Cantonese

Personality: Rainee is a happy go lucky girl. She always an optimistic girl. She always a friendly girl. When she met a people for the first, she always give them a very good impression. She can chat happily with the people that she first time meet. She will be the one that always start a topic first. Even when she met a friend that is very shy, she will make them feel comfortable and soon they will open up themselve. She is a very helpful girl too. When her friends need help, she won't hesitate to help them! She never remember any bad things that people do to her. She feel that holding grudge and hating people are very tired.Life is just once, so she always move forward and never turn back. She is a good listener and advicer. All of the people that find her to have advice, she will make sure that they can solve their problems. That's why she have many friends. Besides, sometimes she will become quite blur. She often walk into the room to take things but after she entered the room, she sometimes will forget what she want to take. But, she will try her best to done her task.

Although she a very friendly girl, she is shy around boys. She doesn't talk much when there's guy around. It is not that she is faker, is just that she couldn't feel comfortable around guys. She can be very talkative and crazy around her girlfriends but as soon as there's guy sit down with them, she will immediately become very quiet. Although she like to give advice and listen to her friends problems, when she have problems, she tend to keep it inside her. She never tell anyone any of her problems. Either she is sad or hurt, she still will wear a smile at her face. She feels that it will trouble other people when she told them her problems. That's why, she knows a lot of her friends but her friends know very less about her. She have a very good temper, she wouldn't simply show her anger. Even she was been threatened, she will stay calm and never be angry. She thinks that angry doesn't solve any problems. But when you really really really annoyed her and make her angry, she will for sure slap you and scold you like there's no tomorrow.


Many people wouldn't think that she is that mature by her face. Her face look like she is one of the not mature kids. She have baby face that many people jealous of. In fact, she is like an Unnie and Noona to everyone. She always more care about other people's  things more then herself. She is not very coward people but she have things that she scared of too. But, she will face it bravely and protect the others. She loves to take care of other people but don't hope she wil cook for you. After you tasted her first cooking, then you won't wanna to try it for second time. Her cooking skills are.... heh~ Just prepare to go to toilet after you ate her food. She doesn't know how to reject people too. She feel that it will hurt people when she reject people. Oh ya ! Although she is like a Unnie or Noona to everyone, she will act cute at times too! Her aegyo is the most Jjang! XD No one can compare to her! Besides that, her observation skills are jjang too! She loves to observe people when she is free. That's why she can differentiate your feelings and thinking when you're talking.Due to her observing skills, she can detect that if you're lying or not at once.So, never lie to her! She have weird habit which is, when she saw someone lying to another people, she will go and tell them. Even it's a stranger.


She is very sensitive towards her surrounding too! She can sense if something is different and is something wrong to the surrounding. She never know that the 'thing' that she sense before is something supernatural. She doesn't believeit until she saw it by herself. Till now,she never see before those things but she always sense it and she can feel the source of the weird feeling. Many people said that they saw something but she never see it before. There's once,she went to adventure with her friends in a very old mansion. Once she step into the mansion, she sensed the existing in there. As she walked to the place that she feel that the 'things' is at, her friends saw it and get scared like crazy but she never saw it. Many of her friends say that her sense is accurate that wherever she feels there's something, there is!

Likes (5+):

- Taking care of people

- Dance!

- Acting!

- Stuffed dolls

- Winter

- Baking

- Fruits

- Puppies!

- Tying her hairs with different styles

- Listening to peoples problems

- Learning foreign language

Dislikes (5+):

- Darkness

- Annoying people

- Dirtiness

- Betrayer

- Faker

- Bugs

- Evil people

- Thundering


- Listen to music

- Dancing

- Playing around

- Joking with her friend!

- Baking


- She will feel blissed when she is being loved!

- She loves to stalk people

- Never enter somewhere that is dark alone!

- Sings when she is happy

- Love to read horror books

- Love to break someone else lying

Appearance (4+ links):

Ulzzang or modles name: Park Ji Eun

Style (4+ links):

Family (idol or fictional): Father - Kim Min Woo, Mother - Jung Li Hing, Cousins- 2PM's LeeJunHo, MBLAQ's Lee Joon

Friends (idol or fictional): 2PM's Nichkhun, Wooyoung, 2AM's Changmin, MBLAQ's G.O, 2NE1's Minzy,CL, Super Junior's RyeoWook, SNSD's Hyoyeon, f(x)'s Amber

Partner: Lee Sung Min

History: Rainee was born in Korea.But her parents always travel all around the world. Then her family lived at German for quite a long time. Then, they moved to Taiwan untill Rainee is 15 Years old. At last, Rainee moved back alone to Korea and lived with her Aunt. Her parents send her back so that she can learn more abour her own country.

When she live with her aunt, she first time have a strong weird feeling when living there. She sensed before these things but it's stronger in here. Then, her cousin told her a lot of tales of the house. Many said that it's haunted as they have a lot of voices around. But Rainee never listen it before. She can sense it and smell something weird only.

 Extra (optional): I don't know if you like it but i wrote it very long T^T Hope you like it ! :D If you wanna change anything, you can change it but tell me first ! ^^


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@Kaylajo1375 Lol ! >< He is a cutie <3 XD
suju1375 #2
hehe nice! your the second person to ask for Sungmin X3