Why I Write FanFiction

I said I would only post stories on here and not blog, but the blog tab has been taunting me for sometime now. But I felt like talking about this tonight. I did an online fanfiction interview for a writer on here a long time ago and some of these are my answers to the interview, so here goes…

I love writing. I’ve been doing it for an extremely long time (I’m an adult), and I want to be a published author someday. Writing fanfiction, in my opinion, is like really fun practice. I love that if I feel the real story is left unfinished, I have the power to create my own continuation. Or if there's a character that never gets attention in the book, on the show, or in the movie, I find myself wondering what they're doing in the background and how they feel. Then, I want to tell what I think was going on with them in story form.

In my opinion, people who write fanfiction (and do legit fanart/graphics) are at the pinnacle of a fandom. You really have to care that much to take time out of your life to put together a story from another story or the real life of a person. Anyone can listen to a song on repeat, reblog pictures on a tumblr, buy a poster, or even read the fanfiction itself, but the people who are creating things with inspiration received from that fandom help feed the fandom it's for. It's exhausting, but it's really awesome when you think about it.

I'm an adult (not super old or anything haha) who has a lot of things to accomplish each and every day. Writing fanfiction helps me to escape from all of that stress and focus on something else. I typically scribble down ideas when they come to me during the day, and then I'll spend at least 2 or 3 hours a night re-reading stuff and adding ideas to a chapter. Sometimes right before bed, inspiration will hit, and I’ll type a scene and lose an hour or two of sleep. Not very awesome. When I decide to actually post a chapter, I've probably looked at and edited that chapter for a total of 4 hours. 

Everyone who knows me knows that I am a fangirl. I don't hide it, and I would never want to. If I love something, and I think it's something to get excited over, everyone around me is going to know. People are usually impressed when I tell them I write fanfiction. They always want to know more, but I never give them my penname or alias.

I don't want a fanfiction story to interfere with how I'm perceived at work or at school because my boss, co-worker, or classmate decided to look me up. My fiancé, however, does know it and looks me up occasionally lol.

With fanfiction, or any story for that matter, also comes this terrible, awful thing called writer’s block. Before I write a fanfiction, I’ve pretty much already developed the entire story in my head and I’ve probably been thinking about it for months, debating on actually writing it to post. But I always get caught when I’m super busy and there’s not time to write or update or a chapter or part of a chapter is giving me absolute HELL. For example, I have a Boys Over Flowers fanfic going on another fanfiction website… I haven’t updated in several months. Not because I lost interest, but because the chapter I’m on is STILL giving me a rough time. :(. When I get writer’s block on a certain story, I’m always telling myself "You're a terrible person unless you finish this story for these people and for the characters". And I usually will. Eventually.

I guess the most rewarding thing about writing fanfiction though is the feedback I get from readers. That’s the best feeling in the world, isn’t it? For someone to love your story and wish for updates and feel emotionally invested? When I receive positive feedback, I know that my story made someone feel something good, and that makes me feel really good. And that feedback also helps me grow as a writer. I make so many mistakes, and sometimes, I’m too lazy to proofread for mistakes. I’ll try to be a better writer in the future.

This blog entry is too long.  

Anyway, thoughts? Why do you write?


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