I'm finally, finally back!

So I FINALLY had the courage to go online and am so touched at how you people continue to keep supporting me on writing this story~

Thank you so, soooooooooooo much :) 

and to UsuArlet who even made a fanvid/trailer on my story awwwwww 

Sorry for dissappointing my subscribers :( 

I was really busy those past few months, flying here and there, and moving etc 

plus my Photoshop sort of had this problem so I wasn't able to make any JunSso manips..


(this blog post I swear) 

I miss all of you :( so, sooooooo much :( 

Thank you, again :) Lots and lots of love and rice cakes!!! 


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camayxxx #1
welcome back imiss ur story :)