
1. Repost the rules.

2. Answer the 11 given questions then create 11 new ones.

3. Tag 11 people.

4. Tell those people that you tagged them.


Credit to Jay198



1. Top 5 Biases?
Top 5? ... Aw man... fine QAQ
Minwoo (My first bias)

(I'm big on SHINee and Boyfriend :) )

2. If you could pick one group to hang out with for a day who would it be?
AW MAN. This is hard QAQ... I would say Boyfriend. They got me into the Kpop business <3 lol

3. Favorite guy/girl group?
Guy: Boyfriend
Girl: 2NE1 

4. Can you think of one song that describes you perfectly?
Hm... I guess... um... SNSD's Into The New World? And maybe SUJU's Mr. Simple. I am very laid back QAQ hah.

5. If you could play one song to dance to at your wedding, what would it be?

I can think of so many OST's because I'm a kdrama fan ~_~. I'd say Only You by Hyun Seong and Stand By Me by SHINee. Those warm my heart :)

6. Describe Yourself, please? (:
I'm... short. Like 5'1" QAQ . I have hair that's like... an inch below my shoulders? My hair is pretty black but in the sun it's brown (I find that awesome). Chocolate brown eyes :D I have pretty long lashes according to others... I have almond shapes eyes :) Uh, if I had to describe my complexion, I'd say yellow LOL no joke. I'm pretty shy but if you get to know me, I'm really fun and love to be the joker in the group. I will also spontaneously break out into song and dance if I like the song... yes, I'm weird but awesome weird :D

7. Favorite variety show with a certain group?
LOLOL, hm, I'd say ... GagYa ... it was a gag show and Minho and Onew starred on it. (THIS COUNTS I THINK D:) It was pretty funny how the comedians did parodies to SHINee's Juliette and Replay XD

8. Do you have any cool talents or just regular talents? if so wuttt?
I do animal impressions... I'd say my dog, wolf, and cat sound pretty awesome :D Um, what else... I can hold my breath pretty long? Math.... LOL... I also sing and dance QAQ I don't know.

9. Do you know any Korean?
If I hear a word enough times, I'll get the meaning of it :) Like with Kpop songs. I know basic sentences like greetings and introductions.

10. Favorite color? (I know, cliche ._.)
Blue, of course. 

11. If you could meet one of your favorite biases, who would it be? What would you do?
OMG OMG OMG OMG. Minwoo. I WOULD HUG HIM AND NEVER LET GO AND JUST BE LIKE, PLEASE TELL YOUR PARENTS TO ADOPT ME. Sorry, I got a bit capsies there. I'm kidding about that. I'd probably go to the beach with him :) Because he said he would like to do that. Or we could go on one of those Kdrama dates ^_^. I also like to hang out and talk... talking is good...


Lol, tagging? What?



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