I'm ranting.. Please ignore!! D:



Has anyone ever gotten that third wheel feeling? You know, where you're with two friends/a couple and they leave you out on everything. They have inside jokes they throw about, interact more, and just kind of ignore you. Is it really even real friendship when your friends leave you out?

In this blog there will be ranting about third wheels and how my friend can laugh at someone really being murdered and just everything bad in general.

Well, here comes the personal side to the blog, that's what my weekend was like. Warped Tour was great, but I was with my friend, who brought her real best friend along. I thought it would still be a fun weekend. Oh how wrong I was. Not only did they exclude me, I found myself virtually targeted out this weekend.

They point blank insulted me the entire weekend. I have eating problems that I forced upon myself due to zero self esteem and instead of trying to comfort me, my friend decides to tell me I'm only going to make myself fatter because my taboo diet won't work. After that, she tells me how stupid I am for thinking Coney Island was an ice cream place. I've never been to a Coney Island before and I thought the Coney stood for the cone in ice cream cone. Since that happened, they both practically ganged up on me about how I say stupid things. Once we returned home, they were playing with each other and throwing jokes around and whenever I tried to join the conversation, I was either met with force, called stupid, told I was going to be hit, or was just ignored as crap.

Then, they watched some horrifying video in which a real man is actually murdered and they were laughing and making jokes while I was in the corner of the bed scarred for life and on the verge of tears. First of all, there is nothing funny about a human being taking another human being's life. Second, there is no humor in torturing said human to the point where they wish they were dead already.

Then, they started making plans for other concerts they wanted to go to. My friend was talking about other concerts she was planning on going to in the future with her best friend, while I was in the room. They were talking about who they would bring and just when I thought my friend would bring up my name, no, she bring's up one of her friend MOM's name. Okay, thanks. You're friend is in the room and apparently she's a worse friend to you than your friend's mom.

We went to see a movie to, and I tried to tell her something and she shushed me in a tone that screamed "you're annoying get away" and then goes to talk her best friend's ear off.

Here comes the ranting rant part... I am done with this friendship. Throughout school, I was insulted by her about the things I say and when my low self confidence was brought up she would only put me down more. I lost a lot of friends this year and when I brought it up, my friend would only tell me it's my fault for being a stuck up b----. I cry myself to sleep some nights because of all my self hatred and she has the decency to tell me all my low self confidence and lack of friends is my fault. It probably is, but do you really need to rub it in and shove it all in my face? I'm still not over my ex from several months ago and I tell her and all she does is call me pathetic. I comfort her through a note when she's having a bad day and she completely disregards it.

I know I'm this horribly awkward, ugly, undesirable person, but friends are supposed to be friends with you for you and not the way you look. They're supposed to comfort you and make you feel happier or at least try, not put you down even more. I hate the world sometimes and the humanity that resides on it.


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eun_myolchi #1
First of all.. I'm really sorry for ignoring ur "Please ignore!!" part...
I feel the urge to comment n cheer you up :) although u don't need it..

Don't cries n hate ur own self anymore okay? especially say that horribly awkward, ugly, undesirable person by ur own mouth (or maybe hand, bcoz u said it by typing XD)...
You is beautiful (even i never see u, but i still believe that u is beautiful,, coz u girl, not boy..hehehee..)

Every girls are beautiful in their own way.. You are special..
There's only one of u too and that makes u valuable.
Don't let anyone intimidate u.. U have to be strong..

Umm.. For ur friend... Pray for her.. Forgive her.. She is just add more sins for her self. Someday she will experience more than what u felt....
Although ur friends put u down, leave u one by one, but don't forget God never put u down n leave you alone..

Just be yourself no matter what, even if people try to shape you to become someone u don't want to be, listen to your heart at first place. They are just envy with u^^

Raise ur head up.. Kept smile.. Kept fight.. Kept writing!
GBU today, tomorrow, n forever^^

I'm sorry for typing too much.. If u don't like this, just scold me.. But please don't block me.. I still want to read ur story^^