harmony Application


Username: _KaeMIN_

AFF profile Link: click!



Birth Name {be creative}: Jang JaYeon

Nicknames {be creative}: Jar; It was hard for foreigners to pronounce "Ja" so JaYeon's foreign friends all call her "Jar".

Birthdate: 05/17/94

Age: 17

Birthplace: South Korea, Busan 

Hometown: Seoul 

Height: 165in

Weight: 45kg 


Appearance: 1 2 3 4 5

Name: Kwon Su Jeong

Back-Up Appearance: 1 2 3 4 5

Name: Park Hyojin

Clothing Style: 

Casual -- 1 2

Work -- 1 2

Training -- 1 2





Cheerful, Optimistic, Humorous. Everything about her is like sunshine. JaYeon has a really bright and cute smile, something that makes others want to smile too. Having high-cheek bones, looking like a chipmunk at times, she uses aegyo that works on most adults and friends. The best part of her personality is that she loves to help others. Regardless whether in academic, dance, language etcetera.

JaYeon is also a good listener. She is always there for her friends, whether the sun is shining, or the rain is falling. Her friends trusts her and tells her all their secrets. Her little bad habit is that she would often, accidentally slip out parts of the secrets to someone else. Despite that, her friends still trusts her. 

Sometimes, she is mistaken as a little rude girl. For her love of using sarcasm which she considers as one of her language, people who doesn't get the sarcasm in her words often take her as being rude. At those times, JaYeon would apologise, and explain clearly it was just her being sarcastic. 

She is also known as a aegyo skinship queen. JaYeon loves to hug her friends, regardless of gender. She is very open-minded. She don't really mind holding hands with the opposite as long as they're friends. JaYeon would always take the first step in skinship, whether it's shaking hands, holding hands, hugging and stuff like that.



When JaYeon was 6 Years Old, her parents decided to move from Busan to Seoul. They wanted to provide her the best academic education they could. JaYeon studied in the Kyunghee Elementary, one of the best school in Seoul. Being in there, she was just another middle-classed girl. Most of the students in there was rich kids, where their parents own a large company and such. Despite that, JaYeon was never left out. She has friends of the same class, and they hanged out together every day. 

Once, when she in 5th Grade, she tripped herself (clumsy) while trying to catch the basketball that her friend passed her. She sprained her ankle and her blood vessels bursted. Because of that one accident, she started having phobias of Basketballs. JaYeon would tremble everytime she comes in contact with a basketball.

When she was in 6th Grade, she learned English and Chinese. She could speak them fluently by the time she was in 9th Grade. People often call her the "Language Chipmunk" because of her language talent and her high cheekbones.

JaYeon  continued her education in Kyunghee Arts Middle School. When she was in 9th Grade, she got scouted by Y.S Entertainment while dancing in the studio. Y.S Entertainment's representative had came to look around the school for talents (since it's a art school), and by coincident, they saw JaYeon practicing her dance routines. Seeing that she has the talent and the looks, they scouted her and invited her for a private audition. She passed and became a trainee when she was 15 (Korean age).



  • Dancing
  • Rapping Rubbish
  • Junk Food
  • Twitter
  • Me2Day
  • Aegyo
  • Skinship
  • Working Out
  • Shopping
  • Animals


  • Insects
  • Being Alone
  • Waking Up Early
  • Soccer
  • Mathematics
  • Show-offs
  • Vulgarities
  • People who hates skinship


  • Nail Polish her nails
  • Collecting iPhone covers
  • Collecting different headphones
  • Shopping
  • Dancing
  • Writing Lyrics
  • Composing music on Piano
  • Me2Day-ing
  • Tweeting on Twitter
  • Taking Selcas


  • Waking Up Late
  • Sleeping Late
  • Biting her lips when about to cry
  • Clenches her fists when nervous
  • Light brown eyes turn dark brown when tired (This happens to me)
  • Tapping her fingers when bored
  • Hugging her friends when meeting them
  • Turning around when sleeping
  • Scolding people in mix languages when she is ultimately angry (rare)


  • Favorite color is Pink
  • Most said word is: "Heol !" (Expression used when amused/shocked)
  • She takes at least one selca a day
  • Ideal Guy is Lee Sungmin of Super Junior.
  • Ideal type is someone who has a cute smile, can sing and dance. Bonus points if they can act/rap.
  • If she debuts, she wants to have a unique style like f(x).
  • She looks up to Super Junior & SHINHWA.
  • She is a kpop stan.
  • Has a tattoo on her lower back since 14. "Believe.Trust."
  • She doesn't like crazy electro music.... (like Nicki Minaj) :P
  • JaYeon speaks 3 languages fluently. Korean, English & Chinese



Stage Name: Jar 

(So that Foreign fans can pronounce it easily.)

Trainee years: 2 Years

Fan Club Name: Jam 

Fan Club Color: Strawberry Jam

Position: Main Rapper, Sub Dancer

Persona: Sunshine Yeoja



Miss A members | Idols | Normally hangs out and speak different languages to confuse Suzy. Bestfriends.

Amber Liu | f(x) member | Met through Miss A members. Speaks Mix languages together and rap rubbish together. Close Friends.

Key | SHINee member | Met through Amber. Good Friends with JaYeon.

Rival: ---

Her personality: ---

Love Interest: Kim Kibum, Key (SHINee)

His personality:

He has this "umma" personality and loves everything to be clean & tidy. Key is a really cool guy and can speak some English. JaYeon really like him since he is like a triple treat. He can Sing, Dance and Rap, the reason he is called Almighty Key. Sometimes, him and JaYeon gets awkward but when they go shopping together (the fashionistas), the awkwardness disappears and they go argueing over which clothes looks better. He always says "YAH!" when JaYeon hugs him when meeting him. At times, they would rap rubbish together and JaYeon would teach him Satoori and they would do Satoori raps.



Password: Synchronized

Comments/Suggestions: I hope you like my character ! It's based on my life so yeah :D


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