hello \^o^/

hello there! :) it has been so long, right? hohoho. /hiding herself from emberassement/ 

Please forgive me for my long hiatus. actually I have been busy with my college life which has taken most of my times. I have a lot of projects to do T~T lol and I have been busy with some anime's fanfics as well -__-"


I hope u guys still remember this pitiful author XD hohoho. for my come back here, I will post a one-shot soon! It is 75% done. and I need to write the final part. XD hohoho.

so, it is all I can say right now. Happy to see you guys again ^___^


with love,



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welcome back^^

its okay~ ofc we atill remember u^^
hwaiting for ur fic ^^9
cutepenguin #2
Welcome back!!!
I missed your fanfics!!! Hope to see more YunJae fanfics soon!!!
welcome back, so happy your back,and we understand you, hope everything is okay, all the best and hwaiting!!! ^-^