I won't be updating, or even trying to update for a few weeks

I'm sorry, I was going to try to come up with more updates but my dad went into the hospital last night and I just can't think of anything to write right now beacuse of it. 

He went last night because he had a high fever of 103 and my step mom took him to make him better and they found out that my dad actually has Pneumonia. Also, His right lung is half way full of liquid gunky stuff and left left is almost half way full and One of his, don’t know which, lungs shut down and on top of that he has an abcist in his left lung, that has a bad infection. I’m scared because my step mom says this is stuff that you can die from. I can’t lose my dad, that would ruin me, I love him more then anything, I’m such a daddy’s girl. But it was good that my step mom took him in when she did because if she had waited a few more days he would have died. God, I want to cry so bad;I can’t lose my dad.

I don’t know what else to say because it’s hard to think right now because not only all that with my dad but my allergies are acting up also. I’m hacking up a lung, not literally, I can’t breath out of my nose it’s so clogged up and all around my eyes and my eyes and cheekbones hurt like hell.

I’m going to end this here because I have nothing else to say.


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I'm not great with being comforting, but everythings going to work out, I'm sure of it :) take care<3
I hope you and your father get better.<3 there's no rush on you, so don't worry love
Oh my...I don't know what to say.
Take your time, my deer. Always keep hoping and praying and your dad will be fine.
I'm not a very good person with comforting words, but just know that a lot of people are here for you if you need them.
Always always always keep the faith!
Aish hope all goes well for ur dad
And I pray u both get well soon
Don't even think about updating right now. Take it easy. I wish you and your family all the best.