ℝussian ℝoulette Application || Baek Yoomin ||

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»  ussian ℝoulette
Yin, the Shadow Princess
So What?
User Name: kissychuu
Name: Chuu
Activeness: 5 days
I Can Do Things More Extreme Than This
Birth Name: [Baek] [Yoomin]
Nickname(s): Yin
Age: 20
Date of Birth: February 2, 1992
Gender: female
Ethnicity: Korean
Birthplace: Daegu
Hometown: Daegu
Languages: Korean – fluent, English – learning, Chinese – learning
Horoscope: Aquarius

If you asked her friends to describe her in one word, you’d almost always get the same answer – ert. Yoomin is very affectionate and a total skinship devil. She likes touching others, be it innocently hugging or hanging onto their arms, or be it not-so-innocently sliding her hand around their hips or slapping their butts. You get used to it, but it can be uncomfortable to some because she might not realize how intimate she can get. The only thing she probably likes more is when the skinship is returned. She likes attention, not in the vain sense of the word, but rather knowing someone she cares for will show her the same affection. Yoomin might seem clingy and easy for throwing herself around like that, but she really just likes the physical assurance. She prefers to call herself friendly and a warm shoulder for anyone who needs her. If not ert, chances are she’d be described as silly. Disliking the rigid seriousness of formalities, Yoomin likes cracking jokes to create a lighter and more open mood, even at the expense of herself. She doesn’t mind being teased, but beware – she’s got a sharp tongue and will surely tease back ㅋㅋㅋ
Although she has a good sense of humor, Yoomin is blunt and sometimes speaks before she thinks her words through. Though she has good intentions, they don’t always carry through. Some of her jokes can be inappropriate, dirty, or even border on offensive. What’s more, there’s a thin line between being witty with banter and a shameless flirt, and sometimes Yoomin doesn’t realize she’s crossing that line of acceptable behavior. Her straightforwardness and easy smirks is sometimes mistaken for cockiness – make no mistake, she’s y and she knows it, but she’s not one to flaunt it unnecessarily. Charismatic and fierce when she performs, Yoomin’s learning to restrain herself at other times and tries really hard to control herself when she speaks – it makes her feel awkward, however, because it makes her second-guess herself and what she says, to the point where she’ll readily follow someone else’s lead or simply stay quiet instead. It helps with her mysterious persona and she’s determined not to ruin the chance she’d been given, but Yoomin’s honestly most comfortable cuddling or exchanging suggestive comments, and that side of her sometimes slips into the open.
[Happy] – Hyper virus that will run around hugging and clinging onto people! If she’s happy, she wants to spread the love and joy by lavishing people with skinship. Whether they want it or not, she will persist until she gets them to smile with her.
[Sad] – She’ll sulk and look for hugs and comforting words. Although she won’t necessarily spew out all her problems, she still wants attention because it makes her feel better knowing someone cares and is there for her.
[Angry] – It’s obvious to those around her when she’s angry. She tries to keep her face blank and stiff, but it is precisely that that gives her thoughts away since she’s normally very responsive to others.
» skinship
» hot milk tea / chai
» song mashups / medleys/ remixes
» cinnamon gum
» colorful post-it notes
» being formal to people / being treated formally by people
» bananas
» humid weather
» making her bed in the morning
» the smell of smoke
Pet Peeves:
» being ignored / given the silent treatment
» the sound of a pen being clicked really quickly over and over and over…
» running out of hot water mid-shower
» remixing song tracks
» eating out with friends
» making Christmas ornaments
» collecting miniature rilakkuma figurines and new colors of nail polish
» watching scary movies at night in her pjs
» rolls around in bed "to stretch" before she can get up
» twitter addict – checks for tweets every hour, on the hour, unless something keeps her from her laptop or cell phone
» always adds a pinch of sugar or pepper to her food, depending on if the food’s sweet or salty, even before she tastes it
•  "Talents":
» can gut and scale a fish in ten minutes (or less)
» can bend backwards and grip herself by the back of her heels
» can do animal sound imitations
» believes in psychics and the supernatural
» has a dream-catcher hanging over her bed
» has a pet hedgehog named Eumbi
» has a fear of small cramped places (claustrophobia)
» allergic to mushrooms
» writes with her left hand in pen, her right hand in pencil (she can't switch for some reason)
» her handwriting’s terrible – like a preschooler writing with a crayon
» has a motorcycle license, but not a driver’s license
» failed her driver’s test six times – she’s long since given up on driving a car
» listed "caffeine connoisseur" under special skills on her first work resume (she wasn't hired)
I'll Count to Three and Pull
Ulzzang Name: Lee Dasom
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Back Up Ulzzang Name: Hwang Mi Hee
Back Up Ulzzang Pictures:
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Height: 170 cm
Weight: 110 pounds
Description of Appearance:
» mostly slim, but she still has slightly chubby cheeks
» black hair (but highlights it different colors now and then) to her mid back
» brown eyes with long lashes
» long “pianist” fingers
» muscled legs – thicker than the typical female idol’s, which makes her a bit self-conscious about them in public
» flat belly but no abs to speak of
» pierced ears, one per lobe – Her mother took her to get her ears pierced when she was very young and had to hold her hand while she screamed in fear through the entire process. She wears earrings still because they remind her of her mother, and would hate for the piercings to close up because the trip with her mother is a pleasant (though somewhat embarrassing) memory for her.
» birthmark on her right hip – She was born with it.
» tattoo on her right hip – Self-conscious of her birthmark, she got a small tattoo of a black star over it done at a parlor in Hongdae before she started training, hoping to hide it from anyone who might see it while she performed. She figures a tattoo might give off a ier or dangerous edge, which probably couldn’t hurt her image as much as criticism of her natural appearance might.
» Casual – She usually wears large tees with baggy sweatpants, and will layer up with a hoodie if it’s cold out. She also wears jeans, but is not a fan of skirts because she doesn’t like exposing her legs unless absolutely necessary. Most of her clothes are black or dark neutral colors, but she brightens her look with colorful accessories and colorfully painted nails.
» Formal – Not one for dresses, she’ll choose to wear formal blouses and trousers instead – maybe she’ll even pair it with a blazer or tie for kicks. If she must wear a dress, she goes for long full-length dresses, preferably simple cuts in dark solid colors paired with accessories that’ll focus attention on her face and upper body rather than her lower body.
» Dorm – Loose and comfortable is her main priority, because if she’s not allowed to be herself in the open, she will definitely let loose at home. Unfortunately, “loose and comfortable” sometimes means giant off-shoulder tees that end mid-thigh and no pants whatsoever, which might make some of the others uncomfortable.
I Have Nothing Left to Lose
History / Childhood:
Yoomin came from a typical loving family, and maybe that’s what spoiled her – the warm sheltered household, being the center of her parents’ world, the happy childhood she’d thought would always last. When her mother passed away, however, her father began to travel or stay at work for longer and longer periods of time – Yoomin was growing up and becoming the spitting image of her late mother, which made moving on difficult for him. That’s not to say he didn’t love Yoomin – he’d buy her all the things she wanted and gave her freedom and independence most children could only dream of, but Yoomin still felt neglected because of how he avoided her. The experience played a large role in her insecurities and how desperately she sought affection from and showered affection on others, wanting to keep her loved ones literally close to her.

Baek Jihoon || Father || Journalist || Hard-working, kind, encouraging, oblivious, and distant. || Although it’s been over half a decade since the death of his wife, he still mourns her deeply. He loves his daughter, but every time he sees her, he can’t help but be reminded of his late wife – he unconsciously distances himself from Yoomin using work and travel as his excuses, and couldn’t help but feel relieved when she told him she’ll be leaving home to pursue a music career. He is supportive of her goals and resolves to watch her perform live someday. || Alive
Baek Aejung || Mother || Housewife || Warm, gentle, thorough, naggy, and loving. || Yoomin’s memories of her mother are generally happy ones. Even memories of having her ears nagged off make her smile, although at the time Yoomin was stubborn and would backtalk in rebellion, because Yoomin understands her mother always meant well. She misses her, but unlike her father who buried himself in work, Yoomin is determined to make the most of the relationships she currently has. || Deceased
Best Friends:
Lee Hyeonjae || University student / Café barista || Outgoing, flirtatious, optimistic, competitive, and loud. || He is like the older brother Yoomin never had. He can be bossy and nosy, yet caring and sensitive. It annoys Yoomin when he acts overprotective, but she’s grateful that he’s easy to talk to. Having known her since the sixth grade, he’s long since gotten used to her touchy-feely tendencies. He used to mistake them as Yoomin’s way of confessing to him, but realizes that’s just who she is, and is quick to respond to her skinship when he learns that it comforts her. They are verbal “sparring partners” and although Yoomin can’t see him as often as she would like due to training, they text and tweet each other often. – OC
Song Jiyoon || University student || Quiet, studious, patient, calculating, and ultimately a worry wart. A good listener, even if she’s not good with comforting words or advice. || She is generally supportive of Yoomin’s pursuit of music, but despite her attempts to give Yoomin encouragement, she usually winds up making Yoomin nervous with all the “what if”s and “make sure you don’t”s. Yoomin can count on her to hold her hand and tell her things will work out when Yoomin’s feeling down, but she will usually stop herself from spilling all her troubles knowing it would make her friend needlessly worry too much. – OC
Lee Sungyeol || Singer (Infinite) || Mood-maker, funny, observant, outgoing, and mischievous. A fun-loving jokester that may come off as childish or immature, but is smarter than people give him credit for although he pretends to be oblivious. || He is cheerful and playful, but is serious when he needs to be. He teases Yoomin more often than not, and she in turn teases back mercilessly, but they both know they mean each other no harm even if their words can get prickly or downright rude. Although he is her sunbae, their ages are close enough that he doesn’t mind if Yoomin drops formalities when they’re outside public view or away from the cameras – for that she is always grateful, since it allows her to be herself with a fellow artist despite her persona, and would pretty much agree to any of his requests if they’re reasonable. – Idol
Frienemie || Choi Saeyoung || University student || Sweet, usually friendly, sometimes sarcastic, and insecure. Knows how to use her innocent appearance and aegyo to get what she wants, but does not rely on it. Though she tries to be open-minded and understanding, she can jump to conclusions and harbor grudges. || The few times they’ve met, Yoomin treats her as a friend since she’s Hyeonjae’s girlfriend, and she in turn treats Yoomin like a friend since Yoomin is Hyeonjae’s best friend – Yoomin doesn’t suspect that Saeyoung is secretly bitter of how close Hyeonjae and Yoomin are, and assumes they’ll become better friends in time when they get over their awkwardness. Saeyoung originally assumed that Yoomin was a guy, and was surprised to find out she wasn’t when Hyeonjae introduced them. The skinship between Hyeonjae and Yoomin makes her feel threatened, and she doesn’t realize Yoomin’s already trying to tone it down because she recognizes Saeyoung as Hyeonjae’s girlfriend. || They’re friendly for Hyeonjae’s sake, but Saeyoung’s secret jealousy keeps them from being true friends. || She is jealous of Hyeonjae and Yoomin’s closeness, especially how he’d be distracted during dates the moment Yoomin texts or tweets him since he wants to respond quickly. She tries to be patient, but everyone has their limits – she may understand that they don’t get the chance to communicate often, but she also thinks that Hyeonjae is placing Yoomin over her when he drops everything for Yoomin.
Other Relationships:
If It's Not You Then I'll Die Anyway
The One: Jang Dongwoo – DongYoo, no-hands couple
Second Choice: Lee “Hoya” Howon – HoYin, smart-mouth couple
[Dongwoo] – He always seems to be happy and is rather gullible because he’s so honest, but he is authoritative and serious when he needs to be. Although fierce and aggressive when dancing and rapping on stage, Yoomin realizes he's very sweet, considerate, and gentlemanly when they start talking and interact. Charming and with a quirky sense of humor, his smile is also infectious and mood-lifting. He’s a good listener and more insightful than he lets on – despite his goofy laid-back image, he’s a quick thinker.
[Hoya] – Dedicated to performing, he may be fierce and aggressive on stage, but is much more approachable and laid-back in general. He doesn’t speak much, but is usually witty when he does – his words tend to be memorable or induce laughter, if not both. He is both literally fast on his feet and quick to respond to situations, owing to the fact he follows gut instinct rather than over-think or over-rationalize. He may be oblivious at times because when he’s focused on something, he puts all his attention and efforts into it.
[Dongwoo] – Dongwoo insists on taking care of Yoomin, and although it was embarrassing at first when he feeds her or drapes his jacket over her, she actually likes how thoughtful and attentive he is. She therefore tries her best to be just as helpful by doing little things for him, like fixing his hair and forcing him to drink water by holding the bottle up to his mouth, earning them the title of “no-hands couple.” He’s teasing her when he calls her cutesy pet names like “Yinnie,” “sweetie,” and “baby,” knowing they conflict with her image, but also thinks they fit her in an odd way since she’s actually a very affectionate person. He’s also teasing when he tells her to call him “oppa,” but Yoomin prefers calling him “Dong-jjang.” They make every effort to sneak out and see each other, but make do with texts and tweets when they cannot.
[Hoya] – Hoya disapproves of how easily Yoomin does skinship with pretty much everyone and becomes somewhat overprotective and possessive. They bicker about it, and even though Yoomin tries to tone it down, old habits die hard. He therefore takes it upon himself to get rid of her habit for her. They call each other by their stage names since it’s also their nicknames among friends, but Yoomin secretly hopes he’ll call her by her real name eventually since it seems more personal. They communicate through each others’ fan cafés, pretending to be fans talking to their idols but using specific usernames they agreed on beforehand so the other will recognize them.
Ideal Type:
» can make her laugh / cheer her up when she’s down
» friendly / generous with skinship
» someone who can take care of her
It's Time To Test My Luck
Stage Name: Yin
Persona: Shadow Princess
Although she’s cool and charismatic when she performs, Yoomin was told to stick to the back during interviews and other activities due to her bluntness and potentially disastrous sense of humor. She was warned she’d be edited out too often with her tendency to crack inappropriate jokes and she might offend people without even realizing she was doing it. With this persona, it’d be killing two birds with one stone – not only would keeping her away from a microphone stop her from possibly ruining her group’s image, she could be marketed under a mysterious-beauty image.
Position in Group: Lead dancer, lead vocal, sub rapper
Back Up Position: Main dancer, lead rapper, sub vocal
Singing Voice: Heart Damage, Wasteful Tears, Don’t Go – Navi (soloist)
Rapping Voice: rap compilation – Jia (miss A)
Dancing: Wait a Minute, OMG, I’mma Be – Minzy (2NE1)
Fanclub Name: Yang
Fanclub Colour: Black #000000
Trainee Duration: 5 years
Trainee History:
Yoomin was scouted by Daybreak after one of her cover videos gained lots of internet attention. She’d done both dance and song covers for fun and had not actually considered getting proper training, but at the time, she figured why not – she didn’t know what she wanted to do with her future anyway. Although she was certainly talented, she remained a trainee for five years because her skills needed polishing and she needed to learn how to control her outbursts – she can’t go around speaking unthinkingly and cracking dirty jokes like she was used to among friends who understood her, especially not when the media and public would harshly criticize or even censor her for the inappropriateness.

Strength: Stamina (dancing / holding high notes when singing)
Weakness: Variety skills (she’s either inappropriate or awkward)
"Signature": Dirty humor (as dirty as she can get away with, anyway, without getting in trouble with Daybreak or the broadcasting station), her cocky smirk
Personal Chant/Greeting: “There’s no Yin without Yang! Let me see y’all shine!”
Motto: Every cloud has a silver lining.
I'm Afraid I'll Lose You
Comment: favorite MV – “Before the Dawn” by Infinite
Suggestion: Maybe make some members awkward with each other and build closeness / group mentality over time, instead of everyone starting off as buddies? OuO;;
Password: favorite song – “Only Tears” by Infinite





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