
Okay so I guess by reading the title, you know that I'm lost...in AFF. Well the reason why I'm posting this is because I'm confused. So I was reviewing my stories and I was reading comments and it had on every comment (downvote). The truth is, I don't really get what it means :/ and I was reading other stories too, I guess there was an arrow for voting, correct? But isn't that...being biased? Sorry to say, I love AFF, sorry AFF if you are reading this, I love you and this site very very much. But I think the voting is biased.... But I really don't get the downvote thing..can u help?

what do you guys think?



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henheaFTW #1
For more clarity, read the blogs about it by Nichiren, the admin. If you can't find him he's on my profile btw.
the downvote means if you don't like there comment you can downvote it thus making that person whom you downvoted lose 1 karma point. I don't agree to the idea.