Amanda Todd

Probably some of you guys heard of Amanda Todd. If only I was with her... She had a hard time and was bullied.. Alot.... She struggled her life when it all started with people telling her to flash. Then a stalker blackmailed her. She was hurt badly, she started cutting, she strated to do drugs, she went into anxiety and depression... If only I was her friend. 

People these days are just sick. Right now I'm about to cry about her story. Right now I just hope she will rest in peace. Amanda Todd was just a regular girl who got bullied for no reason. She made a mistake. People that was a sin.. To me all of those people who did that to her should end up in hell. Burning in hell for the rest of their lives down with the devil. Amanda was just a human! Right now I just wish none of my friends would go through it and I hope none of you guys will get bullied. Right now I'm crying while writing this.... Just one last message to you guys...



Don't Bully, don't stand by and think that it would not happen to you and hope you don't get hurt or things like that.. Stand up and help others . Be someone a person can look up to you. Be someone! Help others and stand up to Bullying...

Thanks guys if you read this. Bye.......ㅜㅡㅜ ㅠㅡㅠ


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