KCon, Kris's Aegyo, Luhan crying and being a , Chen crying, Tao's Engrish, Xiumin getting bullied, and omfg Lay.

So, I made sure I was up for 10 AM to watch the KCon live streaming concert, only to find that my source was misinformed about the time and the concert didn't start at 12:30 PM my time, but unstead 10:30 PM my time. I ended up going to BananaUlyuu's house to watch it with her. Long story short, I'm exhausted, but I can't remember the last time I screamed this much, especially with EXO-M. I'm sick and snotty, but this was perfect.

B.A.P., G.NA, VIXX, NU'EST, EXO-M, 4Minute.

All of my feels. But, omfg Tao had to ask Kris how to say "Are you having a good time?"

And then Kris. Just. Omfg. "What do you guys want? What do you want? How do I do it?" Then Tao had to teach him Buing Buing. I never thought I would see the day.

Then Luhan went ahead and shoved Xiumin in front of the whole crowd to do buing buing after they had their cute little "Let's introduce ourselves at the same time" moment, but not too long after he was like...dragging Xiu across the stage, because Baozi belongs to Luhan and that's the end of that.

And then, Chen and Luhan had to go and break my little heart by crying their way through What Is Love. Like. , come on guys. My heart was already exploding. Too many feels in one shot.

Then there was Kris's leg-twitch-thing while he was screaming. Idefk.

And Lay was just being Lay. Nothing worth commenting on (other than his amazing English. Really, I was so impressed.)

Oh, and G.NA? It's EXO-M, not EXO-K. Get it right.


I need to sleep. I love you. Goodnight.


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imatpot #1
Ehh they cried? I didn't notice
Btw, I don't think Luhan is a . I love him very much. He's my bias.