
I feel really weird saying this but. 

I don't want my stories being featured >_> 

I'm pretty sure I'm the ONLY author like this.

I don't even know why.

I just don't want it to be featured.

So, am I the only one?

I guess it would just feel really weird.

And if Jason ever sees this, I think he should take away the author's right of taking away a karma from a comment.

I mean, what if there are trolls?

I don't feel like I want to leave comments anymore!

I usually leave them for encouragement (if I'm not too lazy at the moment) or to vent my feels of the story (guilty pleasure).

I hope he'll take it down, but he probably won't. 

Am I the only one who liked the older version of AFF?

Like, the one before the giant crash. I like this one, but I prefer the other one xD


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The new system is quite disappointing. I also prefer the old aff. This site is slowly starting to become a popularity business.
And featured stories are mostly horrible cliches, it's much better to stay underrated,really.
I agree with everything you said
Same here. I also hate how comments have to be 30 characters long.
Totes agree. This new comment thing is weird and stupid and I don't like it at all. And I've never seen a featured story that was even remotely good. Featuring had nothing to do with quality or even popularity of the story, its about the number of karma points you have. I'd much rather have my small number of readers who read it because they like it than a large group because it was featured...
Wind_Flower #4
You're not the only one. I actually don't like mine to be feature too.