
Mmm... Anyone has ways on de-stressing? Ive been so stressed up recently... And even exams are over... I used to listen to music to de-stress but it isnt helping now.. Arghhhhh!


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Eunhaeluv #1
Hmm listening to music always works for me....talking to friends on the phone too (my friends are funy lol) or maybe doing your fave hobby?? Personally i LOVE to write so writing helps me out. ^^ hope i helped!! :)
Do you play any sports, or dance.? That's what i do, i end up playing soccer and kicking dafuq outta the ball, or i dance OwO OR GO PLAY PAINTBALL , THEY HURT LIKE , BUT ITS STILL SUPER FUN.!!! Or go to the skating rink.. wait, what am i saying.? Nvm, I'm useless