Shinigami Institution - 死神機関 (Moon Seyoung)


[Nurse Moon Seyoung]

Insanity is waiting for you

Aff User Name: dattebayo-go

Profile Link: here

What do you want me to call you?: Just call me Datte!! :D

Waiting to eat your heart

Character's Name: Moon Seyoung

Nicknames: Sennie, Sendo-Lindo (portugeuse for "being-pretty")

Age: 21

Birthdate: 09/13/1991

Ethnicity: Korean

Birthplace: Gwangju, South Korea

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Languages: Korean, Chinese

Ready to take your mind

Personailty: Seyoung is a girl with a warm and gentle personality. She's well-mannered and quite formal. Seyoung is sometimes considered a "Mary Sue" because she's just so "willing" to help, but, she's actually just very compassionate and doesn't know how to say no. Yes, she even gives into aegyo, which is super bad, but, she can't help it. She talks when she has to, and, she's a great listener. Shinyoung is very soft-hearted and it hurts her to see others in pain, it really does. Shinyoung is always smiling and no, she does not laugh or giggle, she chuckles. She's pretty optimistic about everyone and she thinks everyone has a right to live and such. 

Seyoung is a living mystery, as some can say, because, no matter how close you're with her, she doesn't like "revealing" herself. Her secrets remain secrets and she will keep it that way even after death. Seyoung doesn't like talking about herself, which is weird in a way, so, she'll dodge questions about herself and turn the questions onto you. Shinyoung hates to complain and always focuses on others, which is another of her downfalls. Sometimes, she doesn't even think of herself as a human. Now, to the dark side: Seyoung is actually quite broken herself. No, not to the point where she would need help - she's quite strong (mentally). Seyoung bottles all of her pains and emotions away, faking a smile whenever she can and diverting questions like: "Are you okay?" or "Why so down?" Seyoung thinks of herself as pathetic and puts herself down, a lot. It seems more sick and twisted when you hear this: putting herself down is actually a motivation for her to become better. Seyoung thinks she has no right to live and the only way to get that right is to suffer - yes, she's a pessimistic person, to herself.


Likes: Cooking, Playing Piano, Helping others, Baby's Breath, Photography, Sweaters, Hot Chocolate, Black and white films, Quiet Places

Dislikes: Being "exposed", Too much people, Neon colors, Being put on the spot, Being weak in front of others, Aegyo

Hobbies: Reading, Listening to music, Daydreaming, Playing piano, Listening, Chores, Baking

Habits: She bites her fingernails when she's anticipating something; Seyoung her lips constantly because she thinks she has dry lips when she doesn't; She talks in her sleep - depending on her day and the events, it can be bad or good; Seyoung always says "yes" because she doesn't have the heart to say "no'. 

Trivia: 1. She idolizes Sherlock Holmes - favorite series; 2. Her favorite color is: white and black; 3. Her favorite number is 13


  1. Hurting others
  2. Failing
  3. Being trapped
  4. The dark

And make it something new

Ulzzang Name: Oh Se Rim

Pictures: 1 2 3 4 5 

Back up Ulzzang Name: Do Hwae Ji

Pictures: 1 2 3 4 5 

Style: 1 2 3 4 5

That you don't know anymore

Patient One: Luhan | EXO | 23 | OCD

How did he end up here?: Luhan was always obsessed with everything that he got, even people. When Luhan had a girlfriend, who didn't know about his disorder, they broke up after Luhan was so "possessive". Instead, Luhan kidnapped the girl and killed her in the process (it was more of a suicide by herself) and he was sent here.

First Encounter: Luhan and Seyoung hit it off well and they become friends quickly. He acts cute and does aegyo towards her. And because of her puzzling-personality, Luhan is very curious about her.

Risk Level: High

Patient Two: Kim Myungsoo| INFINTIE | 22 | Delusional Disorder

How did he end up here?: He believed that his deceased girlfriend was still alive, trying to kill him. Myungsoo had random fits, nightmares, and images that drove his entire friends and family crazy. Myungsoo almost strangled his brother, Sunggyu, to death if it wasn't for the other guys to stop him.

First Encounter: Seyoung went to meet Myungsoo and when she came in, Myungsoo swore he saw his girlfriend, bleeding and dead-looking, with a knife and he ran over to save Seyoung. She was knocked out due to the impact and Myungsoo thought she had died because of him.

Risk Level: Medium-High

Patient Three: Zhang Yixing | EXO | 22 | Intermittent explosion disorder

How did he end up here?: Yixing easily gets irritated and when he was at class, Yixing was accused of taking a pencil. Knowing he was innocent, Yixing tried to fight in defense but a group of bullies came after him. Yixing grew upset and before he knew it, Yixing sent all of them to the ER, one of them dying from internal bleeding. Yixing's anger grew out of control and he even sent his mother to the hospital, where she's paralyzed and is diagnosed with amnesia.

First Encounter: Seyoung accidently spills milk on the floor and Yixing suddenly exploded with anger and grabbed her by the shirt, nearly killing her. But, he released her when help came. 

Risk Level: Medium

Who is your main love interest: Luhan

Then you don't exist anymore.

Comments: took me FOREVER!! XD Sorry for the wait...I must've held you up...T^T please forgive me! And I hope you like her :DD

Suggestions: -not for now...-

Scene Requests:

1. Luhan locks Seyoung into a dark closet and that's how she gets the fear. Then, when Seyoung is thinking about suicide, Luhan goes into the closet with her and hugs her, confessing his mushy love for her and such. Then, they leave the closet and Seyoung sleeps in Luhan's arms for the night. :)


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