I have some things to say.

I want to say... sorry to people who I have hurt and lied to.. I wish.. I could go back in time and start over again..

I know if i could things would be different..

I know a few of you that hate me..  I won't say names but I KNOW who they are.

I want to say I'm sorry for being a douche to all of you when you only tried to help me or be my friend.

I'm hoping all of us can start over.. I'm a new Chihoon a new man today.

I've been away for a week or so.. that week helped me think about alot of things.

I'm starting over.. to when I just got here again.

I wanted to be someone else..

but deep down I'm always Chihoon.


oh and I'm back.


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Just don't hurt anyone anymore
Welcome back hoonie~
welcome back hyung^^
People have tried that before and failed
WELCOME BACK~!! /throw flowers everywhere/